He confesses (Jake/Razor)

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You walked out of the Library and began to walk home. It was a long walk, but your car was in the shop getting a tune-up and you didn't have any other choice so you sucked it up. You had been walking for ten minutes when a tow-truck pulled up beside you.

The window rolled down to reveal Jake, "It's gonna rain soon, wanna ride?" You smiled and hopped in, "Thanks Jake, you're a life saver." He shrugged, "No problem." You finally arrived to your house. You hopped out, but Jake stopped you," Hey y/n, I-I really like you and I was wondering if you wanted to go out with me this Friday?"

You smiled wide' "I'd love too." His eyes lit up and he replied, " I'll pick you up 8:00 pm on Friday" You smiled and nodded, " Sounds like you just got yourself a date." You walked into your house and smiled.

You just got a date with your crush...


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