You're sick 🤒🤧 (Chance)

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You were laying in bed, tissues surrounding you, wet cloth on your head, and piles upon piles of blankets on top of you. You had come down with a bad, bad cold.

'Since when was the cold on steroids' you thought to yourself. You had called into work and told your boss you weren't coming. He understood and told you to get some rest. Everything was aching. Your head was pounding and you felt just down right miserable.

Your phone rang causing you to groan, you shakily reached over and answered, "Hello..." you croaked out. "Y/n, Baby!- What's wrong? You sound awful." Your boyfriend, Chance said on the other end. You blew your nose, "I'm sick Chance, bad cold or something like that." You mumbled.

Chance said nothing else and hung up. You were taken back, but put the phone up thinking he might be busy. You laid back down and turned on the TV.

(Time Skip)

You were drifting off to sleep when you heard a knock come from the door. You groaned and yelled, "It's Open!" You heard the door open and shut.

"Hey doll?" It was Chance. You rolled out of bed and stumbled into your living room. Chance was standing there with a bag by his side, "Hey hun, whatcha got there?" You asked.

Chance smiled, "Well you said you were sick, so I picked up some things." He said sheepishly. You smiled and looked in the bag. There was some medicine, chicken soup, tissues, and... Jell-O! (Sorry if you don't like jell-o) You smiled, "Awe, thank you baby."

Chance heated up your soup and helped you back into bed. After you had eaten, you closed your eyes and tried to drift off to sleep. You suddenly felt a pair of arms around you, "C-Chance, no, you'll get sick..."

He just pulled you closer and fell asleep.

(A week later)

"I told you, hun." You said smugly as you gave Chance some medicine. He just groaned and curled up more. You giggled and kissed his head, "I didn't think it would be that bad..." Chance groaned. You shook your head and put your hands on your hips, "Well, you see how grand that theory was." Chance rolled his eyes and turned on his side. You giggled once more and quietly walked out, leaving him to rest. 

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