He makes you cry/hurts you*Jake*

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Today was just not your day. First you were late for work because you couldn't find your keys, then you split coffee on your brand new shirt, to top it off you have a ton of work that needs to be turned it tomorrow.

You made your way to the junkyard, hoping that you could get all of this off your chest to your boyfriend, Jake.

You pulled up and heard shouting coming from the garage, sounded like Jake and Chance were arguing. You hopped out and walked in to see Chance,"Hey Chance, what's wrong?" You asked.

He huffed,"Mr. Know-it-all over there." You raised an eyebrow and glanced over at Jake who was working on the Turbo-Kat,"Hey honey, how was your day?" You asked sweetly.

Jake groaned,"Go away, I'm busy." He growled. You were taken aback, but you brushed it off," I was wondering if you would like to spend some time together, you know relax?"

"I Don't Have Time For You, Go!" He shouted. Tears began to fill your eyes," Why are you being so mean!? I just want to spend some time with you!" You yelled back. Jake stood up and flung a hammer that had been lying on the ground.

"Just Go!!!" The hammer had hit you in your gut. You yelped and grapped your gut with tears streaming down your face,"Y-You want me to go? Fine then!" You screamed and stormed off back to your car.

Just as Jake realised what he did, you were already gone. You made it back to your house and cried yourself to sleep. Why? Was all you could ask yourself.

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