Flashback: How you had found out they were a swat kat

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   You were hanging around the garage while Chance and Jake were fixing up a farmers truck. You were kinda bored to be honest, but you didn't want to bother Chance with your childish ways when you got bored. You got up and began to wander around, just trying to keep yourself moving.

Chance and Jake got up, saying that they were gonna go grab something in town. You said alright and gave Chance a hug and they left. You looked around some more and played with some of the tools.

You had went to go back into the living room, but tripped and fell on a button of the wall. You sat up and rubbed your head and realized the button had opened a giant hole that revealed a shiny jet.

Your eyes widened as you got up and went over to the jet. You new what is was, you had seen it before. It was the jet that the swat Kat T-bone had jumped out of to rescue you that one day. Your heart was beating fast as you put two and two together.

"So I guess you figured it out." You heard a voice which made you jump. You whipped around and saw Chance standing at the door. "I didn't... it was... you are..." You kept stuttering, trying to think of something to say.

Chance sighed and shrugged, "It's okay, I should have told you." You finally found your voice and shouted, "Do you know how cool this is!?" You began to ramble on about stories and questions you always wanted to ask. Chance laughed, "Alright, slow down, one at a time."

Jake had been acting strange for sometime now. Not like a bad strange, just strange. Such as you two would be hanging out and then an emergency would happen in the city and he would get nervous and take off, saying he had something to do.

At first you payed no mind to it, then you started to get suspicious. So one day, when the past master had attacked, you decided to follow them.

Sure enough, Jake hopped up saying he had something to do and took off with Chance. You quietly followed behind. You didn't see where they went. Then, a loud sound came from outside. You rushed out just in time to see the swat kats turbo Kat fly off.


You were pacing around when Chance and Jake came back in. Chance yawned and went to the bathroom, saying he was gonna take a shower. Jake sat down on the couch and motioned for you to sit with him. You took a breath, "Hey Jake, can I ask you something?" He gave you a worried look, "Yeah, doll, what's wrong?"

You sighed and blurted out, "AreYouASwatKat!?" You said fast. Jake raised an eyebrow, "Run that by me one more time?" You took another breath, "Are you a swat Kat?" His eyes widened, "How did you..." You kicked your foot at the ground, "I saw the jet... so I figured..." he sighed.

"Yeah, I am. I didn't wanna tell you." You smiled and hugged him, "It wouldn't have made any difference to me. I still love you." He smiled and kissed your cheek, "Thanks, doll."

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