How you meet ( Chance/ t-bone)

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It was a day like any other in Megakat city. Sun was shinning and civilians were walking and doing their daily activities.

You were walking out of the library with your F/B. Taking a deep breath of the cool summer breeze and began walking home.

You started to read as you walked, making sure not to bump into any others on the sidewalk. As you were walking, the sky suddenly turned a dark grey.

Looking up you gasped as the dark cloud began to swirl and a gigantic Megasorus Rex fell from the sky.

Scared citizens began to flee from all the fallen buildings. You also began to run, but luck was not with you. In all the chaos, you ended up falling and spraining your ankle.

You tried to get up, but you only fell back down. You looked up and saw a piece of broken building hurdling towards you. You closed your eyes tight, but you suddenly felt arms wrap around you and pull you away.

You opened your eyes to see T-bone, one of the Swat kats holding you.

"You Ok!?" He asked you nodded, still shocked up. He rushed you over to the waiting Enforcers and rushed back to the Turbo kat.


You sighed as you sat on your couch. You hated this. You watched the Cat's eye news report on all the destruction. You switched off the TV as a knock came on your door.

Getting up and limping over, you opened the door to see your friend Chance.

"Hey Chance, what brings you here?" He smiled and looked down,"Wanted to check on ya, see how your ankle was." You cocked an eyebrow. You never told him you sprained your ankle.

"That's sweet, but how did you know something was wrong with my ankle?" Chance's eyes widened and he became nervous.

"I-uh... you know, umm..." He cleared his throat,"I-I should get goin, it's getting late. And... yeah." You giggled and shook your head as you watched him rush down the hallway.

Closing the door, you still wondered how he knew, but didn't think much on it.

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