He Saves you! (You get back together)

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Chance had become worried with every passing minute. He wanted to check on you and ask you if you were okay, but you wouldn't answer his calls. Truth be told, he thought breaking up with you was the biggest mistake he'd ever done. He wanted to hold you, kiss you, and tell you he was sorry, but he was too scared.

"Just go over and tell her, Chance. You'll feel worse if ya don't and then you'll never know." Jake said as he turned a page in his magazine. Chance new he was right, "But what if she hates me?" Chance said. Jake shrugged his shoulders, "It's better to tell how you feel then live the rest of your life never knowing." Jake said.

Chance smiled, "Why do you always have to be right?" Jake smirked, "It's a gift really." Chance laughed and grabbed the truck keys, rushing out.

(Time skip brought to you by Vote for Mayor Manx!)

Chance pulled up to your apartment building and rushed up to your floor. He knocked a few times, but didn't get any answer. He went to open it and found the door unlocked. He let himself in and looked around. You were no where to be seen.

A note on the counter caught his eye, he picked it up and began to read,

Dear Swat Kats,
We have your precious Y/n, and if you ever wanna see her again, alive, you better be at the old warehouse. And p.s. Don't keep us waiting!
- The MetalliKats

Chance balled up the note and threw it to the ground. The Metallikats went too far this time, and now they were gonna pay. He rushed out and back to the scrap yard. He was gonna get you back no matter what.

(Time skip brought to you by the Past Master and his time portals)

You were bruised and beaten, the Metallikats had tried to beat out of you the secrets of the Swat Kays, but you refused. You prayed, hoped, begged for Chance to swoop in and save the day like always, but it looked like he wasn't coming. You jolted up when the Metallikats came back.

"Well well, looks like he ain't coming. That's too bad." You bit the inside of your cheek to keep yourself from yelling back, but what was left to say? Nothing. Nothing at all.

As you were finally about to give up all hope, a sound came from outside. It sounded like.... a jet! Suddenly, someone busted through the roof. It Was Chance! Your heart did backflips as you smiled, he did come, he really did come to save you!

"Razor! Take care of these rust buckets! I'm getting Y/n!" Chance yelled. Razor gave a thumbs up, "Roger!" Chance ran up and began to un-chain you, "You came, you actually came..." Chance gave you a concerned look, "You thought I wasn't?"

Before you could speak, Razor yelled, "Hurry Up Love Birds!!!" Chance picked you up and rushed back to the turbo Kat just as Jake came running out. He flew away just before the Metallikats came running out.

(Time Skip brought to you by Me! Cause I ran out of excuses!)

You and Chance were sitting on the couch, Jake had left to give you two privacy. "I wouldn't have left you there..." Chance said softly as he held your hand. You looked away, "I... they made me think..."

You felt Chance slowly lift up your chin to look in his eyes, "What did they make you think..." you looked away, "they made me think you wouldn't care enough... to save me..." Chance said nothing, but instead kisses you softly.

You looked back at him as he spoke, "I will always come to save you." You smiled and hugged him, he hugged you back tightly. You heard a groan, "Finally, I thought I'd have to listen to Chance's crying." Jake said.

You giggled and kisses Chance again. You knew that he meant it when he said he would always be there to save you.

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