I'm Ready. (3)

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(Btw if you can't tell, normal text is explaining something, italic is thinking and "" is talking.)

I'm ready.

I've been busy since I got here though, so I should probably take a break sometime soon.

I don't know how long it's been though.. The Doodle sphere doesn't have timeline so clocks are useless.

I have a house built with everything they could require, it's on my own handmade floating island with bars at the edges just in case papyrus tries to get too close.

I made Handplates but I had time go quickly enough that it would get to the 2nd season and then slow down.

I was also preparing the original Au even though it's just a work in progress right now.

I really need to talk to someone right now but I've been so busy in my work to think about anything else.

I enter into the Au, I was right next to Gaster but he didn't notice me, I didn't bring my body after all, that's at the house I made, (by the way my body will be art in a chapter although I didn't make it, credit the person who did!)

"H-Hello?" I clear my throat, oh god.. I sounded so bad. I haven't spoken after I found out how to because I've only been thinking to myself.


that seemed to catch his attention because he looks on high edge for his surroundings.

His hands were shifting quickly through wingdings...

Oh.. I didn't think about that.

I'll have to change his coding so that I can understand him. It's just quick.

I think about his coding where his language is, I then imagine myself changing the coding by adding the exception that the multiverse understands Gaster wingdings.

"I said, Who's there?!" Woah, so that's what he was saying?

Lets try this. "I'm here. Although you cannot see me. " That didn't sound sooo bad.

"What do you mean? What are you? Who are you? Are you dangerous?!"

Sheesh, calm down with the questions. "I do not have a physical form. I am the Multiverse you live in, although you may just call me Verse. No I'm not dangerous, in fact. I have a propitiation." I think that's a good enough offer proposal. 

"Wait, so my theories were real? this is groundbreaking. Do- Wait. What's the proposal? " Yes! He took the bait.

"Your Au is going down a dangerous path for you, So I had an idea. I didn't wish for your sad ending. But if I take you out of the Au entirely, it wouldn't happen, right?"

"Well theoretically- What's going to happen to me?"

"Uhm.. Your kinda gonna get pushed into the.. core..? And forgotten by the world as your shattered to forever be in the cracks of time."

He seemed shocked by this, but I'd understand.

I wasn't hit by my death that badly because I haven't really accepted that it happened yet.

My subconscious just knows that I wouldn't want to be alone when I finally start accepting my death so it's trying to get me to bring someone with me as mental support.

"...Okay, But what about Sans and Papyrus?"

(606 words! DANNNGGG! I'm writing up a storm today. I've already done like.. 6 chapters total today but I still feel like making a few more with the ideas I have. I'll continue writing as much as I can for the rest of the day, so expect more chapters of this soon. Making it where there are less words per chapter helps me a lot with creativity so I'm glad I'm doing it this way.)

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