Parasite... (27)

360 21 5

Two in one day? Maaybe. Will this happen tomorrow? Absolutely not xD But I don't trust myself to be on this app long enough to space my posts so I'd rather give it all now.


"Irritating, isn't he?" A voice spoke from behind in a deep and glitched voice.

"Don't say that about a friend!" A voice said in a loud and playful manner, to which the prior voice grumbled, "Parasite..."


Verse turned their head with a frown and a sigh, couldn't I get five minutes or anything? They sighed, looking to the two behind them.

A glitched figure rested against the wall, their arms crossed enough to hide whatever text was on their sweater. Their bones were pure black, as if the void had taken human form but turned out wrong, leading to the myriad of glitches that plagued the skeleton. Blue strings stained the person's face right under their strangely primary colored eyes. He held a scowl like a shield against the other figure's oppressive happiness.

A peppy, pompous, pink, ...what else rhymes with p... Oh well, This guy, Fresh. Was clearly trying to burn someone's eye-lights out with his vibrant rainbow sweater, though mostly green. The text, Ho Yo Lo Bro was inscribed on his sweater. A obnoxious red and white poka dot bow tie, and a purple imitation of a Santa hat made his outfit all the more strange. The most important part of Fresh though, must be his glasses. A visor-like pair of glasses that changed to Fresh's whim and currently had the words Ho Ho in blue and yellow.

"Hey..." Verse dragged out their words, even as Fresh focused back on them. Fresh was... okay. They met before, when Verse was still wispy. But now? Verse almost felt... afraid.

Fresh was an actual parasite. They were a tiny creature piloting around a san's body like a toy. Makes the nickname a bit more real.

This was fine before, because what could he do to a ghost-like god presence? But now? Now a 7'2' (relatively 218 ish if my mathsie-ing is correct xD) color hazard seemed to tower over Verse in a way that just felt intimidating, even if it wasn't on purpose. And Verse couldn't even tell, the creature always does things for A reason, they just don't know what the reason is.

Error looked at Verse with a quirked eyebrow, "You good?" Verse froze, realizing how they had curled over on themself, and even their heart felt like a death drum. Their breath hitched as they clutched the cloth above their heart, their soul, with their human hand. The other hand waved off Error's look of mild concern.

He didn't truly care, Verse knew. It would have just been awkward for someone to die in front of him at a party where he was trying to not look evil. Even so, his concern however weak was enough to pull Verse from whatever grasped at their soul. Dark wispy hands scraped and ripped at their soul in discomfort, but they stood anyways.

"Sorry, that uh- happens sometimes," Verse looked to the side awkwardly at their terrible excuse. Even Fresh looked at Verse with a quirked eyebrow before he decided he didn't care, "No problemo Broski!"

Error seemed to frown himself as well. A hand absentmindedly being brought to where his soul sat before he brought it back down.

"Annnyyways! I saw you were hanging out with Error's homie, Ink! Are you two buds?" Fresh asked to get the two back on track.

Verse nodded briefly, "Yeah... We're friends, I think." I don't think I would have been invited to the Star Council if I wasn't a friend so... that makes sense, right?

Error scoffed, "A friend, yeah right." He quietly grumbled to himself, 'I was a friend too, but it's nothing special to be his friend anymore, I guess...'

Verse quirked an eyebrow, "Excuse me? Did you say something?"

Error jerked to look at Verse, his glitches acting up slightly as a faint yellow blush on his cheeks vanished as soon as Verse thought it appeared.

Verse jolted back at Errors stare, looking away awkwardly. "Well... Is that all?" Verse looked back to the two to see a third person walking up. 

This person was in a black- almost blue cape and a sweater that said, Death the Halls. A single blue eye-light lit up their left eye with a near deathly silent hum. As he saw you staring he said, "What? You look like you saw a ghost."

Verse sighed at the joke, joining Errors reaction even as Fresh seemed to hop around and chuckle even more.

"I was actually just planning on heading out, actually," Verse spoke as they gestured out into the party's mass. Truly, they just wanted to go home and have Sans and Papyrus to talk to and to make terrible spaghetti again... This trip had been fun but they just wanted it over now. 

At no one's objection, Verse walked past Fresh and Error, brushing past Reaper without even realizing. Reaper's eyes opened as he saw Verse pass without even a flinch in Reapers direction.

Verse walked off to a corner of the main party room. Skeletons mingled all throughout even though Verse just felt tired. Their soul had started hurting not long ago. The once comfortable feeling from before now felt like a sizzling fire right over their soul and they just wanted it to stop...

Verse watched as Error walked by throughout the party, before they suddenly teleported out. A few minutes later spent in agony, and the pain slowly subsided. Error teleported back even later than that. By then, Verse's soul went back from it's prickling pain to a comfortable fuzz. Just like before...

Verse squinted as Error walked alone by himself a bit, not yet tagged along by the glow-stick. 

I could do one last thing before I leave this nightmare of a party...

(Annnd that's where I leave it off for now! Remember to vote, comment, and have a great day! :) )

Word Count: 1002

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