Hopefully something? (26)

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I'm feeding you guys breadcrumbs at this rate, I'm sorry. At least I turned this filler into some sort of lore?


Basic Descriptions

"Verse speaking"

Verse thinking

Author speaking

"Error speaking"

(I think that's it for this chapter, but correct me if you want more.)


The sans that Verse identified as Geno seemed to prattle on about various topics, hopping from ideas without little more than a thought. Though he did spend a minute or two venting about a death skeleton? 

Verse shook their head in confusion, aren't most skeletons already dead?

The two were still walking throughout the maroon hallways with ease. The strange blue and purple zigzag carpeting felt both soft yet worn at the same time, letting Verse walk with comfort through the twisting and turning halls.


30 minutes or so ago...

Geno squinted at Verse with an uncomfortable level of scrutiny, making Verse feel subconscious about their dirty heavy duty coat and with a frown they tucked in the black glove covering their skeletal hand. They looked mostly human, other than their eyes which Verse adamantly ignored.

"...Huh, Well  Even if your not a Sans or Papyrus, I'm sure the multiverse brought you here for some reason." Verse glanced to the side nervously, if only you knew...

"I can show you to the main party though, I don't know why you ended up back here." Geno glanced around with a raised skele-brow until his eye-lights settled on Fell. 

"You can head back to the party mate, I got this." Geno said as Fell made a gruff grunt, before he huffed, "Good luck, Geno" and just like that, he teleported off suddenly. 

Verse jumped ever so slightly in surprise, making Geno laugh in an almost fond manner.


Verse blinked back to Geno waving close to their face, "Hello? I never got your name," Verse frowned, I need to stop zoning out, this is getting to a concerning level... Verse hummed and replied with an even voice, "I'm Verse."

"Well, Verse. Welcome to the party," Geno stepped aside to reveal dozens of sweater-ed skeletons chatting and conversing with cheap plastic cups and steams of ribbon draped itself from the ceiling in an attempt to lighten the mood. Everyone seemed to chat amicably, other than a few small spats going on here or there. 

Verse squinted at a particular eyesore, dressed in vibrant pinks and with a visor like pair of sunglasses covering their eyes. Is that... Fresh? 

Verse stepped up a bit to see everything, and it was a lot. "Thanks... Geno? If I'm correct?"

"Ah, so you heard from Fell. Yeah I'm Geno. I organized this party. Well, somewhat. I didn't plan this many people but..." He shrugged halfheartedly. "Oh well. I hope you enjoy your time here." Geno offered a smile that Verse returned in kind.

Geno walked off after. He didn't seem mean or anything, just that kind of not caring kind of guy, you know? The kind that I would expect to stab me, but also wouldn't put my life in their hands because they don't really care. Indifference... still a poison by any other name. 

Verse blinked and looked around in confusion. Did they zone out again? They frowned, looking around to see that people had shifted around a bit, signifying that yes, yes they had zoned out... again. 

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