84 Years, yet still so soon (25)

416 15 5

Hey my Turtle Ducklings!

I know, its been like, 11ish months since I last posted here, :P sorryyy... I tried :-; and then I went on vacation and forgot xD

But hey, ask for forgiveness not acceptance, yeah? Either way, my motivation is basically nonexistent, and my brain is a stagnant puddle of ideas, so I wanted to ask YOU guys, who are still invested in the Sans AU's fandom, on where Verse should go next, flood the comments with as many AU's as you want, just if it's smt homebrewed or not popular, I might ask for a description of the AU and any main differences.

Thank you! :D and now, onto the Filler Chapter just so I don't see any pitchforks xD


Verse drifted off into a dreamless slumber, the comfort of Blue's bed seemed to drag Verse into a deeper sleep than they planned. Their vision swayed into a spiraling swirl, the familiar comforting blankets around them seemed to feel much more solid in a moment. Much more cold, like iron bars against Verse's back.

They groaned and shifted around a bit, trying to escape the uncomfortable jab of the cold metal behind them, though they just bumped more into other clutter. Verse pried their eyes open to see...

A dark closet? Grey concrete walls and thin metal shelves covered the majority of the room, various small trinkets like brooms and a bright pink watering can seemed to fill the rest of the space. Verse was slumped up against one of the shelves, a broom close to shoving itself into their shoulder.

Verse shot their eyes open, much more acutely aware than before, how did they go from a comfortable bedroom to a closet?!

They looked around a lot, trying to search for any other key details, but their eye lights kept looking back to the door. A basic brown door carved of oak(?) wood, a faint white toned light, and a rusted golden handle that sat without a lock, one looks like it used to be there, but was ripped out and never replaced, leaving a small hole through the center of the handle.

Verse rose from the ground slowly, peering around like every corner, even if they were still in the closet, could have some deadly foe, before realizing, I'm the multiverse, what does it matter if there's an enemy? I could probably just snap them out of existence. Thinking of existence, Verse glanced down at their hands, one still fleshy, while the other was bone. The Mortal Deity Lock is still on, apparently.

They then peeled through the door handle, peering out into a red walled hallway, signature of the Sans households. That's a relief, I suppose... Take the small comforts, I guess.

Verse then listened for anyone, specifically bones rattling, but any form of chatter, before being mildly surprised to hear several forms of chatter. At least eight or nine voices milled about throughout wherever they were. The clinking of glass, the sound of amicable chatter, and a strange sound of confetti? Appeared every few minutes, only fueling Verse with more confusion. What's going on?

Regardless, Verse wasn't going to find out without leaving the closet first...

Verse huffed, but resigned themself to the boring task of wandering halls and playing the eternal game of Hot or Cold with the chatter of people being the only guide. They stepped out of the closet.


Oh it's easy, just walk towards the sound and you'll get there, Lies, lies and slander. Verse frowned, their head against a wall in a not so silent aggression. How could these halls be so confusing? I have gone up four stairways and down one, but I'm pretty sure the Sans household was only two stories... they sighed. There was a faint murmur of a voice to the left of Verse, but they ignored it. It's not like they could get to the people anyway...

"Trapped, trapped in a box of sorta my creation. Left to wallow in my self pity..." they murmured,

"Hey! Are you listening?"

The voice called again, just enough to pull Verse out of their slump, with a glance, Verse looked out from their headlock to the wall, a Sans was in front of him, a primarily red outfit, and a golden tooth. This was... Fell? Verse perked up, looking Fell up and down with a curious glance. What? You couldn't blame them for being intrigued when one of THE Sans AU's characters shows up. Fell gave them a confused expression,

"Were you invited to the Party? I thought it was Sans's only..." he hummed.
Verse quirked an eyebrow, "Party? I uh, kinda just woke up in a random closet..." Verse scratched the back of their neck with their bone-y hand before switching to the human hand, feeling the cold bone too uncomfortable.

"Yeah... the Christmas Party... You... woke up, in a closet?" Fell emphasized with a distrusting squint to their eyes, only to watch Verse nod.

He frowned, "I should take you to Sans and Geno then, this is their house, after all." He thought for a moment before speaking, "I'm Fell. You?"


The two walked in silence, watching as it edged between too uncomfortable to speak and mildly comforting, Fell's shoulders seemed confident as he strode through the house, though perhaps that was simply him playing it up to appear less afraid...

The chatter that seemed to echo through the halls was finally getting closer when the two encountered another skeleton. A Sans, but with a green sweater that spelt, 'Chilled to the Bone', a red slash sat across their chest, along with a glitched white effect seemed to cover their right eye, and a red scarf sat tucked softly around their neck, in a near perfect condition. They looked to Fell with a smile, before it fell (:P) as he spotted Verse.

"Hey there, did you get the multiversal invite? I could've sworn I didn't send anything to you but..." Geno shrugged. "Any Sans is allowed in, I guess. Or some Papyrus's. They pop in a bit too."

Verse glanced to the side, before looking back to Geno. "I don't think I was properly invited, I just randomly woke up in a closet... somewhere. I don't think I could find it again if I tried," they huffed. "I'm also... not a Sans or Papyrus."

Geno's eye light shrunk in surprise, before returning to what looked to be normal. "Well... You ended up here for a reason? I suppose, the Multiverse is a strange place," he hummed, as if not completely sure of his answer, but didn't have anything to deny it. "You can stay for the party duration, or at least as long as you want to handle the chaos."

Verse nodded with a smile, before Geno eventually moved elsewhere to talk with others.

Either way, remember to comment any AU's you want the Multiverse to check out :D I can always write more of this next time I get online.  Also, remember to Vote! :DD

Word Count: 1188 (wow :D)

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