Dream Or Nightmare..? (12)

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(I'm sorry if this chapter is longer than normal or shorter than normal. This is the idea I thought of which made me do the story in the first place so I wanted to make sure it feels right to me. There will be a lot of chapters about the topics covered in the chapter, even if they aren't uploaded together.)


As I was laying in bed while drifting off to sleep.

I was mostly in my head though as I thought.

I'm finally not alone anymore..

My eyes started to close they drifted to a Grassy meadow.

The edges were lined with trees but none compared to the one that my eyes centered on.

It was beautiful, one side had shiny golden apples that looked like they reflected the sun's shine. The apples line the branches as if they were in peak harvest.

The other side was darker, with apples that reminded me of the sky at night, It was a purple color that felt like any words that I tried to describe it with would disrespect the apples. It felt like it absorbed the area around it, yet it was wonderful to look at.

Something deep in my gut told me to get closer to the tree as if I had to find something, but another part of me screamed to make sure not to eat the apples like they would kill me if I even thought about it.

Admittedly, I didn't want to eat the apples. I mean, they look like they're poisonous honestly. I don't wanna ruin this body so soon after using it.

As I slowly approached I found two Skeleton kids peacefully sleeping under the tree. they both seemed to match their side as one wore gold and the other wore purple. They were both smiling as they laid against each other, skull to skull.

I was walking on the gold side but as I get a bit closer, I walked onto the darker side.

Suddenly, I'm hit with a massive wave of negative emotions. Uncontrollably, My eyes start watering but what hit me harder was what I felt when the negativity hit me.

It was a flash from my past that I didn't remember.


Yelling was one of the things that I was afraid of.

I don't know why but I flinch up and start panicking whenever I hear yelling.

My breathing started speeding up as I held a hand to my chest. My heart was rapidly beating to the point it didn't even feel like a heartbeat as it felt like the world was closing in on me.

Slowly, The boy on the purple side drifted his eye sockets open and looked up.

His eye lights which were first fuzzy suddenly focused when they saw me they rushed over to me.

As they got right next to me my vision started blurring into a black like before before it turned completely black. The last thing I hear is a thud.

I wake up to myself breathing rapidly. Gaster was right next to me on the bed, he was holding my hand with his hands while his eye sockets were wrinkled with worry.

"G-Gast-er..?" My voice was broken up, How long was I asleep to cause him to be this worried?

As I sat up in bed I realized I was sweating despite being cold.

(That's all for this chapter! Do you like that I'm introducing more characters? >=))

Word count: 610

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