Explanation (13)

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(It's finally here! I've been extremely excited for this chapter admittedly. xD)


"Verse.. You were having a Panic Attack! I heard crying from your room and when I come in the room your curled up in the sheets while crying and hyperventilating! You scared me.. What were you dreaming about that could cause that?!" Gaster said in a concerned voice.

"I.. I was..? Oh.. Sor-" I tried to say although it came out more like stuttering.

"Don't say sorry. Explain."

"O-Okay.. Can I get Water First..? Please..?" His eye sockets widen with realization before he nods.

"I'll grab you a cup of water. In the meantime, could you change and meet me downstairs on the couch?" I silently agree so he walk out of the room, Leaving me to my thoughts..

What happened?

As I get up and change into a black hoodie and basic jeans I try to recall my dream, Although it feels more like a nightmare.

Right.. I found myself in a meadow where there was a weird tree and when I walked closer I saw two skeleton kids that slept at the base. When I got even closer though I got hit with a wave of Negativity that triggered an old bad memory and caused me to have a Panic attack.

Once I collected my thoughts I went down the stairs to find Gaster sitting on the couch, holding a glass of water.

"I'm Ready to talk."

*You are filled with determination


This is awkward..

I was sitting right next to Gaster on the couch as I held the cup that had previously been filled with water. The tension in the room was so thick I could cut it with a knife.

That's it. I need to break this silence.

"Where should I start..?" I tried to muster the words from my mouth that despite having just been filled with water a few minutes ago felt extremely dry.

"The beginning if possible."

"Ah.. Well, I guess the dream I had is a good place then." I took a deep breath of air as Gaster looked to me with a patient expression.

"I was laying in bed when I fell asleep but when I opened my eyes I was in a grassy place with trees that rimmed the edges. There was this big tree in the middle that had apples on it."

I thought about what to say for a second,

"The weird thing was that half of the apples were gold and half were purplish black. It split perfectly in half. When I got closer I saw a pair of twins that were sleeping on the tree trunk.." I paused before continuing to speak.

"I don't really remember much from there but I walked on the gold side mostly until I walked onto the purple and black side and uhm.. I got a flash of memories.. From my past."

"What were these memories?"


"Yelling? Does yelling have something to do with your old memories that could trigger a panic attack?" Gaster was trying to probe for better answers.

I silently nod. God why was I so weak? If only I could've just been stronger, Then Gaster wouldn't be awake trying to calm me down at 12:08am! (Aka the middle of the night)

"Yelling scares me.." I quietly muttered.

Gaster mumble to himself a bit about this before glancing to the clock which hung on the wall.

"We can continue this in the morning, Okay?" Gaster say while still facing the clock

"Right.. Uhm.."

This is awkward.. How can I say this??

Gaster look to me with a confused expression

"Can.. CanyousleepinmyroombecauseI'mkindascaredthatI'llhaveabaddreamagain?"

That was the WORST way possible to ask.

"Um.. Can you repeat that?"

".. Can you sleep in my room..? I'm afraid that I'll have a nightmare again." I cover my face with my hands as it turns a flushed red. I couldn't tell, but he was blushing as well..

"..Of course." Gaster say suddenly. As soon as I hear this I open my hands slightly to peer through them. Through my fingers I see him looking around the room away from me as if to try and distract himself.

"...Thanks... I'll go grab some sheets.. You can sleep on my couch...." I was speaking in a tone that was only slightly louder than a whisper.

I rushed upstairs and pulled out a blanket and pillow from the closet on the 2nd floor before walking into my room.

Gaster was standing next to the couch in my room.

Is that a faint blush? I can't really tell because of the darkness of the room..

"Blanket. Pillow. Couch. Sleep." I walked over to him quickly and placed the blanket and pillow in his arms before walking to my bed and immediately getting in it. covering my head with the blanket.

Why can't this night go by faster..?

(That's all for now! I Pondered over this chapter a lot xD I was like: Is this good enough? No this is too sad, but that just doesn't feel right.. Honestly, I never hit that good ground. =/ I just need a break irl. My cat has to be put down today because of a really bad cancer in her leg, she's too old to handle amputation, and it's just really bad.. I'm also gonna go on a vacation trip in a week or two so I'm gonna be on Hiatus for this. Sorry..)

Word count: 934

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