Horror (23)

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Ik, the last one is really really short. This one is just a bit longer as an apology.

"Horror Speaking"

"Blue speaking"

Despite what might be assumed, Horror is actually a good person to sit next to. This was the first observation Verse made. They glanced over their shoulder, peering to their bone-y counterpart. He wasn't humming or anything, but he was slowly and methodically twisting flower stems into a flower crown.

"Thank you for letting me make flower crowns with you," Verse hummed with a smile. various stems seemed to poke out of the poorly made crown in Verse's skeletal and human hands.

Horror glanced to Verse, a gruff huff that almost sounded like a cough came from his chest, "No problem... Nightmare... Threw me here, I was bothering him." He made another clearing of his throat noise. "Good... Company." He slowly gestured to Verse with a poking motion, before returning to his crown. Purple and gold Iris's entangled one another in a dance like twist, soft petals stick out closer to the ends in beautiful shades of butter yellow and midnight purple.

Nightmare probably assumed that he could just throw us both here, as if it was an out of sight out of mind situation. Verse chuckled, before pushing their sunglasses back up to their eyes. I was lucky that they didn't fallen off from being dragged around by Nightmare. Yes, I can make sunglasses. Of course I can, I AM the multiverse after all. It's just... hard. Making an entire AU is probably easier than trying to work with all the tiny molecules for something as small as a pair of sunglasses.

Thinking of Au's... where am I? Verse glanced around the empty AU with confusion. They were in a field of flowers, without anything man, or monster, made. The only thing in sight was a far away tree, filled with peculiar apples. Gold-like and shining, along with ebony black apples seemed to split themselves a perfect halfway throughout the tree's middle. Verse tried to sense what Au this is, but as they closed their eyes, a strange static covered their vision, as if preventing them from seeing where they were. Verse frowned, How else am I supposed to find out... They glanced to Horror, who was still making his flower crown.

"Horror, do you know what Au we're in?" Verse spoke as if it was casual, but their mind was racing. Please know, Please know, Please kn-

"Nightmare's... memories. He can drag... people in here." Horror coughed slightly. "No... Au."

Verse nodded cheerfully, So that's what it is! No wonder I couldn't tell what Au it was, it isn't an Au at all! It's just a fragment in time formed from his strong magic and his careful manipulation of time.

"Thanks, Horror. Do you know how to leave? I want to give this flower crown to someone outside."

I also just want to get out because Blue is probably concerned, it's not every day that the person which you just took in from outside gets kidnapped by your local crime boss. Is Nightmare even a crime boss? He's closer to a villain, but he does crime, and he's a boss of the Evil Sanses.

"You... can leave, but things here... stay here." He pointed to the flower, and then to the ground. "Memory... can't change." He shrugged in a similar sloth like motion he had been this entire time. "Are you... going to leave?" He asked, but his large red eye light looked as if it already knew, Verse wouldn't be staying.

"I am, I have things I need to do outside. If you ever want to hang out though, just come find me. I'd be happy to make flower crowns with you again."

Now... How do I teleport exactly? I know how to sorta do it, but not as a mortal... Just imagine... the body, but... now imagine them in Blue's living room!

"Human! Are you okay?!" Blue's loud voice seemed to echo right next to Verse, as they were suddenly slammed into a wall, a crack echoed through the wall from the sheer force.

Thank you for being patient and even reading this, since the quality is probably terrible and I never even update. I sincerely thank you, and I will attempt to write during summer break.

Word count : 684

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