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"[y/nnnn]!!!" a childish voice called out to her. ranpo was sitting on his desk, holding out his now empty snack pack. "can you buy me more please?" he asked.

[y/n] nodded, taking the plastic bag away and heading out the office door. "brat, see if you can find dazai and drag him here if you have to." another voice commanded, very much obviously kunikida.

"hai, hai. well, see you in five hours!" the girl said, closing the door.

"five hou- OI!" kunikida's yells fell deaf onto [y/n]'s ears, her already skipping out of the building.

it was her second day at the agency, and she had already developed a bond with most of the agency's members. the girl found out that atsushi had just become a member before she came and joined. she hasn't seen dazai at all, for some peculiar reason. the others always told her that he was in and out before she came, which was a lot faster than usual. but according to them, he was acting completely normal. "bandage-squandering machine" was what kunikida had told her after [y/n] asked him to describe the twenty-two year-old male.

[y/n]'s gut feeling told her a hunch, and she, of course, being the confident self she is, blurted it out in the office. "i bet he thinks i'm too pretty and is now too shy to see me!" she puffed out her chest proudly. the rest of the office sweatdropped at her, as they were already familiar with the girl's self-confident nature, not getting too surprised as she blurts out random phrases of compliments.

of course, that isn't actually her gut feeling, but she needed to boost her ego, did she not? shut up i know you do the same thing at the mirror- i'll stop.

anyways, the crystal-eyed girl skipped to ranpo's usual convenience store down the street, and the automatic doors opened, letting her in. she skimmed through the sweets aisle, swiping down a whole rack of mochi. "now, onwards to nii-san's snack aisle!" she pumped her fist in the air, whisper-yelling.

after she had acquired ranpo's snacks, she paid for them, and the lady handling the cashier almost dropped her jaw when she saw [y/n] take out her sleek black card. (yes i bolded that on purpose because i wanted to make myself feel rich- i'm pathetically broke :_)

our protagonist happily skipped out the store, heading back to the agency, when she saw a figure, standing tall and straight, on a bridge. "well what are the coincidences?" she smirked inwardly as she strolled over to the figure.

"y-" [y/n] raised her hand to greet the man before she was cut off by his deep brown eyes gazing into her sunglasses. "gojo-chan. long time no see."

[y/n] tilted her head, racking her brains to remember when she had met the male, recalling no such interaction until she came to a conclusion and internally cheered. "so you did see me that night! i knew i could count on you and your terrifying observational skills!"

𝐈𝐍𝐕𝐈𝐍𝐂𝐈𝐁𝐋𝐄 ꒱ gojo!readerxbsdWhere stories live. Discover now