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the sun shined brightly on this particular day. gojo [y/n] stood in front of the entrance of a very familiar estate. tilting her head upwards, she was greeted with the intimidatingly tall, charcoal black gates that were blocking her entry.

she took a few steps back and then ran towards the gate, effortlessly jumping over the gates. landing back on the ground gracefully, the girl observed her surroundings, her ever-so-beautiful blue eyes darting all around the place.

the gojo estate looked a bit worn down, dead grass on the front yard and several random rubbish littered on the ground. well, it was to be expected that the building hadn't been tended to for a decade now.

the servants of the gojo clan all fled from the house as soon as they heard that the entirety of the family had been assassinated, all except one, who disappeared. and now, that one 'missing' person had returned, entering the front doors with a nonchalance air.

[y/n] had decided to take note of mori's words, since he was the only lead that she had within her knowledge.

she had two objectives today at the estate; one, to take a look at her family tree, and two, to go through the family records. the gojo family tree was a rather large one, thus it was painted on one of the biggest walls in the house. it would be quite easy for her to have a look at it. the family records, however, would be a bit of a problem.

the gojo clan kept the records hidden away from the common people in the estate. [y/n] could've used her six-eyes technique, but back then when she was six she didn't care about her family's affairs.

she headed to the biggest room in the estate, more known as the grand hall. as the albino calmly walked through the long hallways and corridors of the building, she finally took this chance as a time to contemplate on mori's words.

'he knows what i want to find, obviously. but he's choosing to play some games.' [y/n]'s thoughts ran through her head. she shrugged, 'fine with me. it's strange that he said he can't though, does that mean- oh! i've arrived.'

her musings stopped as the girl recognized the oak doors of the great hall. pushing it open with her foot, she stepped inside the large room, eyes immediately hovering over the wall where the family tree was painted on.

it was as big as she had expected, scanning the painting from top to bottom. she recognized some familiar names, including her parents, grandparents, and a few other relatives she heard the servants gossiping about.

as her eyes spotted a particular name, an old memory struck.

the five year-old wandered around the house, bright blue eyes looking all over her surroundings. she noticed some maids gathered in a corner of the garden. subtly walking near them stealthily, she stopped right before a small pond, acting as if she was feeding the fish in it.

𝐈𝐍𝐕𝐈𝐍𝐂𝐈𝐁𝐋𝐄 ꒱ gojo!readerxbsdWhere stories live. Discover now