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──── ✧《✩》✧ ────

"would you like to know why i am destroying this building?" seiichi gestured grandly towards the mess.

the man didn't wait for an answer, and he continued on, walking around in circles, and he lit up a cigarette, sliding it between his fingers. "you know, how suguru died?"

no, [y/n] did not. he just stopped showing up. she didn't assume he was dead, rather, thought his parents found out somehow. how did she find out he was dead? seeing his name. on a tombstone.

"your uncle." seiichi's voice disturbed her musings. "gojo renmaru. you remember him?"

vaguely. she remembered his temper, and, his dislike, for 'dirt' on his prized jewel. meaning, his niece's ability was the jewel, and 'dirt', was getou suguru.


she really is dumb, isn't she?

her family never cared much about their daughter. in another perspective, they did. polishing her raw technique was the only thing that mattered to them

gojo [y/n] could count the amount of times they actually cared for her, and not her technique, on one hand.

she was raised to become a weapon, and a weapon she would be. her so-called family wanted a weapon, didn't they? they'll get it.

[y/n] didn't start with taunting her enemies like she usually would, to agitate them and make their attacks get sloppier.

she knew that tactic wouldn't work on seiichi. because he believes he's already won. or at least that's what she can gather from his demeanor.

a right hook.


she sighed, leaning back and hearing a crack from releasing the tension in her muscles.

seiichi chuckled. "i've been observing you for a while, gojo. no taunting for little old me?"

[y/n] grinned instead and started incorporating her technique. she started moving faster than the human eye would be able to catch, curling her fist and aiming dead center on the face.

blood spatters onto the ground and seiichi stumbles, wiping his face with his forearm. he groaned, seeming to be in pain, but the smile he throws out right after contradicts that. "there we go. let's keep it up, shall we?"

"you better hope this ends as fast as possible." she smirked, but not quite feeling satisfied yet.

the sky-eyed girl positioned herself into a battle stance - getting ready to strike another right hook on her foe's ribs.

"you know, you technically killed him."

she stops dead mid-punch, her pupils shrinking in horror.

there's no possible way she could have killed him. she didn't stab him. she didn't do anything.

but, maybe if she never befriended him - suguru would be alive and healthy. the things she would do to see his smiling face again. just one more time is enough.

she didn't kill him.

did she?


seiichi was messing with her.

what if he wasn't?

what if she never inherited the technique?

what if she simply never existed?

would the gojo clan still be powerful without her?

no. no, they would not.

she focuses her gaze back onto seiichi's figure, shoving her existential crisis deep inside a container in her mind, never to be opened again, if she could help it.


she thinks that hand-to-hand combat will do just fine to defeat him. seiichi, as far as she can tell, does not possess a technique of any sort. if he does, he's not using it. he makes up for it with his intellectual ability and rather commendable combat ability.

seiichi has been dodging for the past five minutes, not engaging in any attacks courtesy of himself.

[y/n] threw punch after punch, predictably getting dodged.

'that's fine.' she thinks. 'i'll just wear him out.'

much to her confusion, he didn't seem tired one bit. they've been continuously fighting for longer than ten minutes, and [y/n] was starting to feel exhaus-


her? exhausted?

oh. that coy bastard.

"your technique," [y/n] halts her movements, standing still, keeping her eyes trained on seiichi's gunmetal blue ones. "the more i physically wear out the more you absorb my energy, isn't that right?"

seiichi seems amused, standing across her with his arms crossed. "there it is. you underestimated me, gojo. and..... your deduction isn't quite complete."

he cocked his head to the side, his gaze landing on something behind the young girl's head.

the albino turns, meeting face-to-face with a gun. no one held a finger on the trigger, and it was just floating there, engulfed in blue energy.

seiichi trailed his eyes towards [y/n]'s feet, and the gun follows his gaze, aiming at them.

"the more i absorb your wasted energy, i can transfer it to inanimate objects, and hence, manipulate them." the dark-haired man explained, walking slowly towards her.

without any warning, he pulled the trigger using his technique, and the sensation of pain shocked the girl.

is that.. blood?

gushing out of her leg?

no, no no.

that can't be right.

her technique-

her infinity-

why... why can she feel the pain?

──── ✧《✩》✧ ────

A/N : im backkkkk hopefully haha 🧍‍♀️ i actually did outlining for the rest of the chapters im good to go

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A/N : im backkkkk hopefully haha 🧍‍♀️ i actually did outlining for the rest of the chapters im good to go

also i didn't proofread this i'm sorry if there are any mistakes.

anyhow - happy new year's everyone!! i hope you have a great time with your family and/or friends <3

let's welcome 2022 and make it a better year than last's.

i'll see you all soon, and i hope you enjoyed this chapter

- res

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