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──── ✧《✩》✧ ────

"bweughahahahahaha-" [y/n] cackled at something on her phone, rolling on the floor.

"ooh ooh! what are you watching [y/n]?" kenji, the village sunshine boy, bounded up to her.

[y/n] turned her phone so that kenji could see the screen, displaying a rare image.

it was of nanami, covered in flour and icing, looking infuriated as he was glaring at the camera the albino had set up. yes indeed, [y/n] woke up in the ungodly hours of the morning to set up a little prank she had in mind for nanami. he was a very cautious man, and he had fallen for some of the girl's pranks before, therefore it took [y/n] all of her brain cells to come up with her intricate plan.

the first thing she did was send a coupon she had won in the lottery to the man, inviting him for a two-day vacation in a nearby island. second, she had picked the lock of the blonde man's bakery, and quietly snuck inside. then she had reused her first spot she had chosen to prank nanami, the loose ceiling board behind the counter.

the girl had also rigged a couple of machines to trigger the flour and icing to drop on the male. and as you can see, it definitely worked. she had also successfully dug her grave, because the next time she saw nanami, it would be a guaranteed one-way ticket to the afterlife.


atsushi had suddenly burst in, sweating bullets. "kunikida-san! i can't find dazai-san!"

kunikida raised an eyebrow, repeating, "dazai went missing again?"

"he's not answering his phone, and he's not at the boarding house either." atsushi frantically waved around his hands.

the rest of the office staff looked unbothered, as if this was a normal occurrence for them.

"probably at the river again.."

"did he bury himself again?"

"back in prison, no doubt."

[y/n] had stopped wheezing at her picture and instead nervously cocked her head along with atsushi.

"but after the other day's events, could it be that the mafia captured him, or..?" the latter suggested.

kunikida interrupted him, huffing. "please. that man's survival instincts are out of this world. let me remind you, he's attempted suicide dozens of times but kept surviving."

"and that is nOT physically possible but here we are." [y/n] remarked. then she muttered, "unless it's me."

atsushi still rebutted, saying, "but...."

"i'll look into it!" a voice called out.

a familiar orange-headed figure stepped into the office. "tanizaki-san! you're alright?"

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