Chapter 2: Meet Racetrack Higgins, A Huge Pain In The Butt

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"Ya got a home?" Jack looked down at Anastasia.

Anastasia shook her head, looking down in embarrassment.

"'Ey 'ey 'ey!" Jack put his hands on her shoulders. "It's okay."

"We can take her back to the lodging house!" Crutchie perked up.

"Yeah." Jack smiled, before it slipped of his face. "Crutch, cemmere."

Crutchie wobbled over as Jack whispered something in the younger boy's ear.

"Uh huh. Yeah... right."

Anastasia could only make out what Crutchie was saying.

"Okay." Jack looked up. "So's, we have a plan."

He held up a glass shard.


"W- what do you need me to do?" Anastasia crossed her arms.

"Look kid-"

"I'm not a kid." Anastasia pushed Jack as hard as she could with her hands.

Which wasn't much.

"Ya ain't older then a five year old, you're a child."

"I'm six."

"Same thing."

Jack walked ahead of Anastasia as if being the leader of a group,

"Hey! You aren't much older than me! You're like a seven year old."

Jack turned around, fuming.

"I'll have you know I am eight going on nine!"

"Same thing," Anastasia said in a low voice.

"I do not sound like that!" Jack looked offended.

"You keep telling yourself buddy." Anastasia patted him on the back.

Crutchie held back laughter.


"How is this gonna work?" Anastasia looked at the newsboy lodging house in front of her.

"You's a boy-" Jack began.


"I know." Jack huffed. "Ya look da part, act the part." Jack shoved her gently.

Unfortunately she was way lighter than he expected and he knocked her down.

"Hey!" Anastasia pushed back twice as hard.

From the ground Jack looked up and smirked.

"That's the spirit Stasia!"


"Temper! Temper! We got a new kid!" Jack's voice rang through the big lodging house.

"Another?" Temper groaned.

"Another?" Voices rung through.

"Yes 'another'." Jack rolled his eyes.

"Stop finding new kids, cowboy," Fox snickered. "Temper here might have a heart attack."

"Jack, you know there isn't anymore room in the lodging house." Temper crossed his arms.

"We can fix up the closet!" Crutchie exclaimed, grinning.

"Who is this kid?" Temper narrowed his eyes.

Both Crutchie and Jack stepped back, revealing the small Anastasia.

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