Chapter 1: Meet The Queens Newsies, A.K.A, A Bunch Of Idiots

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Morning light shined into the bunk room, signaling it was time to wake up.

"Slip! Slip!" a small boy screamed.

"Yeah Snapper?" Slip Redwood smiled, ruffling the small boys hair.

"You won't believe the dream I just had—" The small boy began to ramble, drawing a smile from Slip's lips.

"Slip! Slip!" Sparkles cried, dissolving under his thin blanket. "I had a bad dream."

"What happened?" Slip gently uncovered the boy from bellow his sheets.

"You were on this— this battlefield and— and someone— someone—"

"Shhh. It's okay." The fifteen-year-old rubbed comforting circles on the younger boy's back.

"No! Someone— someone tried to kill you!" Sparkles's eyes were wide with fear.

"I'm not dead, am I?" Slip softly smiled, stroking his head.

"N— no! But— but youse— you were... there— there was blood and—" The ten-year-old looked down at his hands, as if seeing something else that wasn't there.

"Shhh." Slip hushed him. "It's okay."

"D*mn, how're you so good with children?" Hyper huffed stubbornly, crossing his arms.

Snapper gasped dramatically. "Slip! Hyper just cursed!"

Hyper let out an even more dramatic breathe of air. "Snapper! You've betrayed me!"

"And you wonder why none of them come to you." Books rolled his eyes and slapped Hyper's bicep. [so hyper is buff i see i sEE-] [beta.exe has broke like mcdonalds ice cream machine] (WOW) (EIJDJWOSIWJDW) (GREAT, NOW I JUST LAUGHED DURING CLASS) (THANKS BETA) [tHaTs mA jOb] [mAkIn pEoPlE lAuGh SiNcE 1899] (wow) (...) (were you even alive in 1899?) [mAyBe iM a TuCk] [aNd I nEvEr DiE] (lE gAsp) (the McDonalds machine hits different now that Hypers name is Hyper McDonalds) (yOU BROKE HIS ICE CREAM MACHINE BETA! NOW HIS BUSINESS WILL NEVAH TAKE OFF!) [NOOOOO]

"Nah, no one trusts him," Sling laughed, as Archer (Clint bARRRRRRRR) nodded his head.


"You would think that being on this earth for 17 years you be mature." Rowan shook his head climbed down from his bed.

"I'm right here ya know!" Hyper spread his arms out.

"I can see." Slip chuckled, stepping towards the older boy but slipping on someone's cap and hitting the floor.

"HAHAHA—" Hyper broke out laughing until Slip glared at him. He cleared his throat. "I mean, Slip? Are you okay?" [WHY IS THIS ME] (lololol) his face was serious for a moment before a grin inevitably made it's way. Everything from there went down hill. Hyper bursted out laughing. "Sorry— sorry— it's just— your name— Slip— you get it— hahahaha— slip!"

Slip glared.

He rushed over to help her up but Slip just swatted his hand away.

"I'm fine," She huffed, then assessed the room.

Half of the boys were still asleep.

"WAKE UP!" Slip yelled, slapping a few of them with a pillow.

Then Ace tumbled down from his top bunk. [RIP-] [i mean uh] [ace you good] (HDHHCDJJDJ)

"I'M UP!" Laces screeched, sitting straight up and smashing his head into the bunk above his.

Slip sighed.

This was going to be a long day.


"Good morning." Speed sighed dramatically.

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