Chapter 11: WELCOME TO HEL- I mean Queens

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A/N: NO HATE ON QUEENS THO! I LOVE QUEENS NY!!! I also don't own this song!


"Who are you, and whats ya's doing heah." The man glared once he securely tied Anastasia to a chair.

"I told you, I'm passin' through!" Anastasia grumbled.

She should've known better.

It was because of Queens Chuckles died.

It was because of Queens she and Race were in the refuge.

It was because of Queens Crutchie's self conscious of his crutch.

"Why should we let you?" A smaller boy- someone around her age stepped up.

"Why shouldn't you?" Anastasia sassed back.

"Uh-" The man pulled out a pocket knife. "Youse in no space to be sassy kid."

"You don't scare me." Anastasia spat.

"That's the problem." The small boy through his hands up. "Queens isn't feared enough!"

"Why would you want to be feared?" Anastasia scrunched her eyebrows, seemingly forgetting she was tied to a chair.

"Because of people like you." The small boy poked her shoulder. "Who come in, make us think yer our friend. Then you kill one of us."

"You got no proof of dat." Anastasia blew a strand of hair out of her face.

"THEN WHY ISN'T MY BROTHER HERE WITH ME! WHERE'S SHARDS TOO?" The small boy screamed in her face.

"Books calm down." Freckles ordered.

"No!" Books yelled, throwing a glare. "My big brother's gone Freckles. He's been gone! Soon after Shards followed him!"

"I know kid."

Anastasia watched the exchange, eyes snapping back and forth.

"I'm sorry I didn't know." She hung her head.

If there was one thing she learned from her older brother, it was to always try to be respectful.

Or- from one of them. There was no helping Jack in that department.

"Where you from anyways kid?" Freckles looked the short kid over.

"Manhattan." Anastasia mumbled.

"Speak up." Freckles crossed his arms.

"MANHATTAN!" Anastasia yelled.

She watched the two boys' eyes widen.

"What?" She spat. "Are you gonna beat me up like you did ta Crutchie all those years ago? Or- or put me in the refuge again?! Cause I'm not the weak kid I was."

She watched as Freckles's eyes widened more (if possible).

"Yer dat little kid." Freckles muttered. "The short one who me and Shards put in the refuge with the blonde one."

"You've been to the refuge?" Books looked up.

"I'm surprised you remembered me." Anastasia rolled her eyes.

"Huh..." Freckles muttered to himself. "Ya know, old Temper nearly had a mental breakdown at the council. Must be real special..."

"Maybe I am." Anastasia shrugged. "But you'll nevah know if ya kill me."

Freckles's eyes widened. "You're changing the subject."


"Alright kid!" Freckles brought his knife closer to Anastasia's face. "Either you join us, or you leave and nevah come back."

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