Chapter 9: Hop Potato Rematch

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HAPPY MEMORIAL DAY! I waited till today to post lol (who am I kidding? I forgot lol)(If this chap makes no sense it's because I wrote it with a pounding headache at 10:48 PM)

"So Redwood." Spot trailed off during the middle of the night.

"What do you want Conlon." Anastasia grumbled, turning to the older boy.

"I nevah's got to ask." Spot played with his fingers.

"Ask what." Anastasia sleepily opened her eyes.

"Whatcha's doing heah? In Brooklyn... it's awfully far from 'Hattan."

"Let's just say.... bad people are aftah me." Anastasia stared at the bunk above her.

"Da bulls?" Spot asked softly, in which Anastasia nodded stiffly. "I know how it feels..."

"You would think we'd be used to it by now." Anastasia turned to see Spot's head lowered, looking at the floor. "Growing up on the streets."

"Some things we never get used to." Spot shrugged. "It doesn't take the fear away."

"Every time I still feel my pulse rushing like it did before." Anastasia went back to staring at the bunk above her. [IZZY EKEBDJSBE ENEJ THIS PART IS SO GOOD SKSVRKWJDHFW] (aW tHaNkSsssSssSs)

"Yeah." Spot admitted. "I'm scared... for the day when I might have to be leader." [it was so good then the newsy grammar fricKIN RUINED IT] (I'll cHANGE ITTT)

"Yer fine." Anastasia rolled her eyes. "Still have to wait for Wares to leave, den Tea Bags."

"Yeah, but I wouldn't know what to do if one of da boys ends up in the refuge under my watch." Spot chuckled dryly. "If someone ended up in there then it'd be Wares, or Tea Bags's fault. Which, isn't that much better considering I'll be second one day but- but the point is, it'll be on me if someone get's hurt."

"I get it." Anastasia sighed. "Must be cool though, knowing one day this place'll be known as Conlon's territory."

"Yea." Spot sighed dreamily.


Anastasia felt a sinking feeling in her gut, knowing this was the end of her stay in Brooklyn.

"Dis was a fun time Conlon, but I gotta go."

"See you around Redwood." Spot looked up from his seemingly statue-like position.

"Hey." Anastasia put a hand on his shoulder. "You'll be a great leader."

"Thanks Drew."

"Anytime Conlon."


And with that, Anastasia took off into the night.

...towards Queens....


Anastasia stopped to catch her breath for a moment but was pulled into an alleyway.

"WHO ARE YA'S, AND WHATCHA DOING IN QUEENS!" The voice of a young man yelled.

"I'm just passing thank ya's very much." Anastasia nodded, then attempted to wiggle from the teen's grasp.

"Hey! Ya ain't going anywhere!" The boy narrowed his eyes. "Yer in Queens now."

Anastasia gulped, remembering that this was the one place Jack had warned her not to go.


A few years back Queens had a turf war with Richmond, Brooklyn, and the Bronx. Manhattan was the only one excluded because almost all the older kids left, leaving Fox and Temper (the oldest newsies, two eleven year olds) in charge.

The Leader Of Queens: RewriteWhere stories live. Discover now