Chapter 17: Over The Rivah And Through The Woods To Anastasia's Turf We Go!

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"Good luck kid."

"Go get 'er!"

Fox and Temper's words echoed in his mind as he walked back to Manhattan.

He'll go back to Queens tomorrow...


"So Race, how'd Queens go?" Crutchie grinned optimistically.

Race shook his head. "No support, no friendship."

"No friendship?" Albert questioned.

Race shook his head. "No friendship."

"Well, maybe we were too optimistic." Blink blinked (sOrRy) (I cOuLdn't rEsiSt) [*wheezes*] [BLINK BLINKED-]

"Ya think?" JoJo narrowed his eyes.

"I just- I just wanna go to bed now, 'kay guys?" Race spoke unusually soft.

Crutchie nodded, "Night Racer."

Echoes of 'good night's' rang through the room.

"We should probably head to bed too." Mush and everyone else's moods were deflated seeing their resident comedian so miserable.

((((()))) (dont judge this is future me thinking that this scene needs a line break and is too lazy to scroll up to find one)

"I take it the boys didn't have much success." Davey looked at the sleeping boys.

"Nope." Romeo responded, sitting up.

"Hey! Whatcha's doin' still up!" Jack whisper-yelled.

"I couldn't sleep." The eleven-year-old huffed.

"Never mind that!" Davey dismissed them. "I thought you said Race has a connection to Slip."

Jack stared at the peaceful sixteen-year-old, curly blonde haired messed up.

"Had." Jack looked up to meet Davey's brown eyes briefly before flinching away. "Nevah should've sent Racer to visit Slip. They had a fight, I knew it."

"How'd you know?" Romeo tilted his head to the side.

"Because I know those two like the back of my hand." Jack sighed.

"Does that mean we'll never see Slip again?" Romeo's eyes filled with sadness. "Drew- Drew stopped sending letters a couple years back."

"It'll be okay kid." Jack reassured before turning back to Davey. "Guess you should probably go home."

"Yeah." Tielo Davey nodded awkwardly. "Got a brother waiting."

"See you tomorrow Dave." Jack sighed, walking over to Romeo to tuck the younger boy in.

Davey smiled softly while watching Jack's interaction with the eleven-year old.

"Alright, so-"

"Jackie! I'm too old to get tucked in." Romeo huffed.

"Yeah? Yeh? Who said dat." Jack crossed his arms.

"Me!" The boy pointed to himself.

"Not even for.... Anastasia's adventures?"

Romeo froze, "Y- yeah."

"You sure?" Jack's green eyes twinkled in amusement.

"No! How'd you know that would get me?!" Romeo glared slightly.

"I don't know," Jack shrugged. "But I do know your favorite is her adventures here, since you don't remember."

Romeo nodded eagerly.

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