Chapter 10: The Shadows In Us All (the almighty chapter of trigger warnings)

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"What the h*ll is that?!" Shards glared sitting straight up.


"Sounds like a baby." Coats yawned.

"So you?" Whiskey joked.

"Hey!" Coats snapped.

"Go check it out Shards." Metals groaned.

"Yes Metals." Shards rolled his eyes and hopped out of bed. "I hate being the youngest." He grumbled.


"Shut up, will you!" Shards snapped, opening the door. "Hello?"

But no one was there.


Shards looked down to see a small baby wrapped in a baby blue blanket.

Shards picked up the baby and cradled it softly.

"Hello..." Shards smiled at the dark-skinned boy before a small letter caught his eye.

Name him William... his name is William McDonald. Date of birth is 5/12/83

"Hi William!" Shards cooed. "That's a nice name. Much better than Samuel."

"Shards what's taking so lo- is that a baby?" Metals froze in his tracks.

"We're keeping him!" Shards grinned, rocking the now peaceful boy.

"We are doing no such thing!" Metals protested.

"How can you say no to that face!" Shards giggled, poking the baby's big cheek.

Metals softened at the look of Shards beaming like there was no tomorrow.

Many people assumed that Shards had been given his name after using glass as a weapon, or cutting someone to shards, or something along those lines.

The truth?

When you look into his icy blue eyes it looked like you were staring into broken shards.

Once upon a time they must've been beautiful- like the fresh winter breeze, or an icy pond that's perfect for skating.

That's the thing though.

People kept skating.

And skating.

And walking all over him until he broke.

Like when people overused a pond and all the ice was chipped.

Or even... shattered.

Then they left it, broken, used.

There was no other way to describe Shards' past.

His eyes showed it all- shadows of the boy he once was.

"Yeah... we can keep him kid." Metals ruffled Shards' hair. "You're in charge of him though."

"You can count on me!" Shards grinned esthetically. "I'm going to be the best brother there ever was!" Shards poked the baby's nose, making the small child giggle.


"Walk! You can do it!" Shards cheered, watching the small child stumble.

"You've been at this all day Shards." Coats rolled his eyes.

"Yeah, well I believe Hyper can do it!" Shards huffed.

"Hyper?" Coats raised an eyebrow.

"Well he's hyper!" Shards exclaimed.

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