Chapter 27: Ah, Depressing Backstory Time-

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"Come on Michael." Jack chided the four year old, grabbing the younger boy's hand.

"Where are we going." Michael looked up at his older brother, eyes naturally wide with curiosity.

"I don't know." The six year old kept his head up stubbornly, dragging the younger boy through the streets.

"What about mommy?" Michael questioned.

"She can rot in-" Jack paused to think. "in- in- in wherever bad people go!"

"H*ll?" Michael tilted his head to the side.

"Don't say that word!" Jack immediately covered the younger boy's mouth.

"Why ya coverin' me mouth?" Michael tried to talk, his typically loud voice muffled.

"Why are you covering my mouth." Jack corrected.

"Sorry." Michael mumbled.

"It's okay." Jack smiled softly at his brother.

"What about Papa then?" Michael pouted.

Jack's smile immediately dropped from his face, lip quivered as he grabbed the younger boy's hands.

"You remember how Dad's a real hard worker?"

"Yeah?" Michael lowered his voice, confusion shining in his eyes. "You always said to be grateful for Papa!"

Jack's eyes welled with tears, barely pushing out his next sentence.

"Well Papa doesn't need to work hard anymore. He's somewhere safe, and being taken care of."

"Where?" Michael tilted his head.

A couple tears slipped from the older boy's eyes.

"There." Jack pointed upwards. "I- In the sky."

"Don't cry." Michael whimpered, reaching up to wipe the tears dripping from Jack's face. "Please don't be sad Jacky."

"I'm- I'm okay." Jack swallowed, wiping his tears but more kept coming.

"Pretty please stop crying." Michael jumped up, hugging his older brother. "I love you! Don't cry."

"I love you too." Jack clutched onto the younger boy, a sob releasing from his lips. "You're the only good thing in this world Michael. You hear me? The only good thing."


"Hey." Temper's lips pursed, shaking the small brown-haired-boy. "Hey!"

"Leave 'em alone!" Fox crossed his arms.

"They're sleeping in my selling spot!" Temper complained.

"Leave me alone!" Jack screamed, suddenly kicking his legs out.

"Hey!" Temper groaned, holding his stomach.

"Jacky?" Michael wiped his eyes, yawning softly. (Is it possible that by someone mentioning yawning can trigger you to yawn?) (cause i just yawned after writing that last bit) (I have proceeded to yawn every time I read this) (still yawning every time) (still yawning)

"Hey- hey- calm down." Fox held onto Jack's shoulders softly.

"Don't hurt my brother!" Michael yelled, shoving his shoulder into Fox with as much force as a four-year-old can muster.

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