Chapter 13: Every Rose Has Its Thorns

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I like putting serious names on things that I wrote before I was up to this part of the book-

"C'mere ya little rascal!" Ethel chased her little brother around the court yard.

"Never!" Thomas shouted, sticking his tongue out.

Abruptly Ethel stopped, panting as she caught her breath. She watched the quick boy hustle up the tree.

Thomas watched his older sister from his high branch.

"How'd ya get up there?" Ethel crossed her arms.

"I climbed." Thomas crossed his arms too, sticking his to tongue out once more.

"I know that silly!"

"I'm a survivor!" Thomas stood up, striking a pose.

"My hero." Ethel smiled.

Ethel knew what was to come. She just didn't have the heart to say it.

She knew one day she would have to leave her brother to fight for himself.

But she knew he was a survivor.

He would make it.

He just didn't know that with every blessing there was a curse.

Actions had their consequences.

That every rose had it's thorns.


"We must hurry Ethel." Her mother said as Ethel got ready to bound out the door.

Like every cliche book Ethel had ever read, rain was pounding against the windows as her and her mother got ready to flee.

"But I must say goodbye to Thomas-" Ethel's eyes filled with tears.

Her baby brother.

She was leaving her baby brother with the monster known as her father.

"It's for the best." Ethel's mother tried for a smile.

To be strong for her daughter.

And her son.

Who she must leave behind.

It's for his own good...

Maria tried to reassure herself.

She and Ethel were going to flee the monster she married.

For you can not put out the fire from inside the house.

She and Ethel were going to go and make a living for themselves. So one day, when Thomas is older, they can live the life they were meant to live.

After they face their mountains.

"Goodbye brother." Ethel whispered softly as she stroked Thomas's hair.

"I'm not tired yet Ethie!"

Thomas didn't know that the two most important people in his life were leaving him.

He didn't know that this was goodbye.

All he knew was he didn't want to go to bed.

"Shhh." His sister hushed him, fighting the tears knowing this would be the last time she'd see him for a long time.

Her baby brother.

"Can you sing for me?" Thomas smiled brightly.

"Of course." Ethel said softly.

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