Concerto Competition

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(A/N: Here's an update because I'm in a good mood 🙂)

Yeji POV
Another concerto competition? This should be easy.

I guess I'll play Sibelius Violin Concerto in D Minor.

Our class left to the practice rooms. Lia and I shared one practice room together.

"What are you playing?"

"Grieg Piano Concerto in A minor, duh."

"Ohhhh fun. Sibelius might bore the judges, don't you think?"

"Good playing is never boring. They love you,
Miss Valedictorian."

"I don't know...I've only learnt this piece for two months. I don't think I sound great."

"Idiot, you always sound great."

"That is so not true."

"Whatever, let's just practice already."

We spent 45 minutes practicing before I needed to use the bathroom.

"Be right back."

I headed down the hall of where all the practice rooms were located, but something caught my attention.

Who the hell??

That sounded way too good to be any student at this school.

That tone and vibrato.

I followed the deep, projecting sound. As I got closer, I recognized the melody.


When I located the practice room where the sound was coming from, I peeked through the small window of the door, only to see a quiet girl whose name I don't remember.

I turned my head more to spot the producer of the sound: SHIN RYUJIN!?!?!!

What the fuck?!?! How is she able to produce such a tone on that crappy cello? And DVORAK?!?! One of the greatest cello concertos ever written?!?! Seriously?!??!!

I went to the bathroom quickly before going back to my practice room.

"You won't fucking believe this."

"What? Why do you look so worried?"

"Shin fucking Ryujin is playing Dvorak Cello Concerto!"

"W- is she insane? She's going to butcher it AHAAHHAHA."

"Lia! She actually sounds...okay. Shit!" I cursed.

Her humored expression changed to concern.

"Ooooo don't tell me you're scared. Come on Yejiiiii, you'll rank first like you always do. I bet the judges will also be disgusted by her presence."

"I don't know. My Sibelius isn't good enough, Lia!"

"Oh. Calm down baby. How about you play Tchaikovsky instead? Your Tchaikovsky will always remain iconic."

"I played that last year! LIA. help!"

I was panicking. bad.

"Okay okay. We'll come up with a plan. I'm sure you sound better than her, but I'll always help you. So relax, okay?"

She went up to hug me as I nodded in response.

I'm so grateful for her.

Ryujin POV
"Damnnnn, I bet you're going to rank 1st of our class," Chaeryeong said as I finished playing.

"Ahahahah, really?"

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