Kiss 2

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(A/N: 😂 the title is killing me)

Yeji POV
I could now freely move around her villa. The only problem was, my hands were cuffed 24/7. If I tried making a dash for it, she'd catch up to me in no time. Not to mention, I can't really do anything with my hands restrained. Also, how am I supposed to get these cuffs off??? She even attached an ankle bracelet to my ankle to monitor my location at all times.

"Time for a tour!!" Lia excitedly said.

I sighed and followed her.

"Up here is the kitchen, over there is the living room and across is the dining room. The private movie theatre, bar, and lounge room are on the third floor. The pool is outside. Oh, here is where all the bedrooms are. Too bad for won't be sleeping in anyone of them until I have full trust in you."

"Then where am I supposed to sleep??" I asked.

"In the underground jail cell, of course," she stated.

"You have a jail cell?! WHY?!?!"

She shrugged her shoulders. "Come on, I'm not done touring."

She walked out to the balcony of one of the rooms and I followed.

The strong breeze hit me, sending a refreshing sensation against the awful, trapped feeling of being stuck in that dark, metal room.

I looked down and saw that the villa was located over a cliff with waves crashing against it. Were we located on the seashore? By the ocean?

"This is this the Atlantic Ocean we are facing?" I asked innocently.

"Hahaha. I'm happy you like it. Yes, this is the Atlantic Ocean we are facing."

Maybe I could push her off and...never mind. I shook the thought away. I couldn't do matter how insane this whole situation was.

"Let's go, I want to show you the gaming room," she said.

As I trailed behind her, I noticed my phone sticking out from her back pocket. I needed to get my phone back somehow and contact the police, or at least my girlfriend.

" am I supposed to do anything with my hands cuffed," I asked as we continued walking.

"You can still eat and use the bathroom fine. It's not like I cuffed your hands behind your back. I'll take them off eventually...when I feel like I can trust you."

" can trust me. I swear I won't run away. I can't even do anything without my phone or car. Heck, I don't even know where we are." I tried convincing her but she just shook her head.

"You know I want to believe you, but that'd be stupid of me, wouldn't it?" She chuckled.

"What do I have to do in order for you to believe me?"

"Well for your mother. Tell her you'll be going on a long vacation and there won't be any signal. Also, tell her you broke up with Ryujin."

"But what if Ryujin somehow contacts her? She'll know I lied about breaking up with Ryujin and start suspecting something's off."

Lia laughed at my statement. "What?" I asked.

"That won't be a problem."

"Why?" I raised a brow at her.

"HAHA...don't underestimate me, Yej. Here, call your mother now."

I took the phone from her hand and dialed my mother's phone number.

Maybe I should call the police? But damn it, Lia's looking directly at my screen. Maybe I could yell for help and expose Lia while on the phone with my mother? But what if Lia snatches my phone before I can explain, resulting in her losing all the trust she had in me?

I sighed. I'll just go along with it...she'll trust me more if I do.

I called my mom and did what Lia told. The girl had a wide grin over her face after I finished the call ended.

"Now no one will suspect you've gone missing," she happily stated.

"What about Ryujin?"

Her grin twitched down into an annoyed expression.

"You two are broken up, she can't do anything about it."

My eyes widened and my heart sunk.

"Y-you broke up with her using my phone??" Fuck, don't cry.

"Yes, dear." She sighed, "my poor baby, it turns out all along, Ryujin wanted to break up with you. She took the text message I sent pretty well, agreeing that you two should split. It's good you two are no longer together...she never loved you. No one will ever love you nearly as much as I do."

My heart was aching. She's lying, I told myself. There's no way...yet part of me feared the slight chance that maybe she was telling the truth.

I sighed then chuckled. Time to test my acting skills.

" That bitch. Who does she think she is? A low class scum like her wanting to break up with me? I can't believe I was stupid enough to date someone so inferior to me. Our relationship never would have worked out anyways. What was I thinking? Thank god you sent that text before I had to break up with her. I finally don't have to deal with her again."

Lia raised a brow at me. "Wow, and here I thought you two were a happy couple." She chuckled.

"How can I be in a happy relationship with someone so disgusting like her? I was completely delusional to even date her. I guess you're right, you've been here for me since forever. I should give you a chance." I offered her a smile. Ew.

Her smile grew. "Really?" She asked with hope evident in her voice.

"Like I said...I'm not running away."

"Prove it. Prove your words are genuine."

Ryujin, please forgive me.

I walked towards my best friend and kissed her.

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