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Ryujin POV
I waited hours outside Yeji's mansion for her to return but she never did. Her car hadn't been here for days. Where could she possibly be?

This doesn't feel right. She wouldn't just cut me off all of a sudden. I know we were happy together. More than happy. We were in...


A notification from my phone went off. My heart rate sped up as I stood frozen, looking at the message.


Yeji POV
I pulled back from the kiss. That was disgusting.

Lia seemed shock, maybe still a little unconvinced.

I needed her to believe I was being genuine. I already kissed her for show, might as well continue the act.

Before she could say anything, I went in for a second kiss, one that was deeper and more passionate. 🤢

I swung my cuffed arms over her and pulled our bodies together.

While she was distracted, I traveled my arms down her figure, feeling for my phone in her back pocket.

She placed her hands on my waist, unaware of my sly movements, while I took the phone out and unlocked the device using my muscle memory.

I couldn't see the screen properly so I traveled my kisses to her neck. Lucky for me, she had her eyes closed.

With the device in view, I opened the messaging app and found Ryujin's name, quickly sharing my location with her. I caught a glimpse of the text that Lia had sent previously and the messages my girlfriend responded with. I knew she was lying.

That was enough to relieve the ounce of fear I had. I carefully slid my phone back into Lia's pocket and pulled away.

"Woah," she muttered.

"Was that enough proof for you?" I asked confidently.

She stayed silent for a moment before answering.


"Almost?" I raised my brow at her.

She sighed. "Never mind, let's eat lunch."

"You're not going to uncuff me? Even after that?"

"So you only did it to make me uncuff you."

"N-no, that's not what I meant. It's just really uncomfortable having to wear these 24/7. I meant it when I kissed you." I showed her the most sincere expression I could pull off.

"O-okay...let's go to the dining room. The food from the oven should be ready by now." She quickly turned her head away from me, but I caught her blushing. For the first time ever, Lia seemed a bit flustered.

I hummed in response and followed her.


Ryujin POV
"❤️Babe😽 started sharing location with you."

I read the message from my phone. My girlfriend shared her location with me? Why is she 4 hours away??! Is she at the beach? Don't tell me she's sailing across the globe away from me. Does she want me to go there?

Screw it. I'm going there anyway.

She can't just "break up" with me over text and ghost me for a few days then all of a sudden send me her location. I deserve at least an explanation, whether or not she wants to see me.

I went off to take the subway to her location. Yes, the subway because I still don't have my own car and had to bike to her house.

After 4 painfully long hours, I arrived at the stop closest to her location. The walking distance was only a few miles.

I realized that the more I walked, the further I was getting from civilization. The area was devoid of any humans or buildings.

I heard the sounds of waves crashing as I neared the location. It was uphill, and my legs were beginning to give in under me after having walked the distance. Just a little further, I told myself.

My eyes peaked over the hill when I got further up, spotting a GIANT house. A villa, to be exact.

So my girlfriend has been staying at a fancy vacation spot this whole time?

The crashing of waves had intensified, making me presume this place was by the ocean, secluded and isolated from society.

Through the large windows of the villa, I was able to see the different bedrooms, the living room, gaming room and-


I quickly jumped behind the nearest bush when I noticed her turning to the window's direction.

How is she alive?! WHAT?!

I continued observing through the bushes and not a second later, I spotted my girlfriend trailing behind her best friend.

Her hands were CUFFED?!?! Oh hell no.

My baby was kidnapped by her best friend who faked her own death? Is that what happened?

Lia had a wide grin over her face while my girlfriend had a look that hinted both fear and unease. How can that psychopath take joy in watching her best friend suffer?!

My blood was now boiling.

When Lia had her backed turned, I jolted up to the villa, pressing my back against the wall and out of her view.

Operation save girlfriend commenced. 😩


Yeji POV

Out of the corner of my eye, I saw a nearby bush shake. Having caught my attention, I continued to look out the window while Lia blabbered about god knows what.

As Lia was about to walk away, a figure leaped out.

My heart skipped a beat when I recognized my girlfriend sprinting towards the building.

Oh god, stay calm.

I don't know what Lia would do if she caught Ryujin.

A sudden wave of fear hit me. What if she kills my girlfriend?!?!

No, no, no. I'm not going to let that happen. I need to get out of these cuffs and escape with Ryujin.

I let out a deep sigh. Time to put my acting skills to the test...again.


"Yes, baby?"

"Let's go to your bedroom..."

"Why?" Suspicion was written all over her face.

You've got this, Yeji. I told myself.

"I want to..."

I paused.


"...to touch you."

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