Along With It

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Yeji POV
I listened attentively to the unbelievable words coming out of my best friend's mouth.

"Well, you see. I paid the pilot a good chunk of money to fake a crash over the ocean. I never went on the jet, but my family thinks otherwise. The pilot agreed to keep his mouth shut and go along with the lie that I died. So you see, I faked my own death."

She smiled at me while my mouth went agape.


"Next question!" She ecstatically stated.

I sighed. "Where are we?"

"In one of the rooms of my private villa?"

"Why do you have a room like this?!?!"

"I don't know? Next question."

"Why did you tie me up?! It's unbearably uncomfortable!"

"Relax...I didn't want you running away, obviously."

"I'm not going to run away." I lied.

"Yeji, don't take me as a fool, please. You know me better than that."

I sighed again. "When are you planning to untie me?"

"When you agree..."

"Agree to what?"

"Stay with me, here, forever. All we need is each other. It's always been this way. Don't leave me."

"Lia! Don't you want to become a world class pianist?! What about my dreams?! We can't stay here forever!"

"You're everything I want." She blankly stated.

I opened my mouth to speak but no works came out.

Right at the moment, a *ding* went off, signaling a notification. I watched as Lia reached for her back pocket and pulled out my phone. Her eye twitched in annoyance.

"What? Lia, why are you invading my privacy? Give me back my phone and untie me!"

"What's the passcode to unlock your phone?" She asked unbothered.

"Why do you want to know?"

"Hmm...I'll consider untying you if you tell me."

I raised my brow at her. "Really?"

"Only if I can guarantee you won't run away. You can't leave this villa, and I'm keeping your phone with me at all times. You're not allowed to contact anyone else besides me."

Breathe and just go along with it, I told myself.

" passcode is 041701."

A smirk formed on Lia's face as she unlocked the phone. I saw her quickly type something in then turned the phone off.

"What did you do?" I asked.

"Haha. It doesn't matter now, does it? You're not going anywhere. We'll spend the rest of our lives isolated together."

"I guess not..." I lied. I badly wanted to know what she typed into my phone.

"Can you untie me now?" I asked calmly.

She walked closer to me and leaned down with her face inches away from mine.

"Sure...after I confirm something." She responded.

She placed her hand on my thigh and began rubbing sensually.

I squirmed at the uncomfortable and violating contact.

"What? Don't you like it when Ryujin does this to you?"

"L-Lia. Stop."

"Why? Doesn't Ryujin do this to you all the time?"

I was suppressing my tears. Just go along with it. I repeated to myself. Go along with it. Satisfy her.

I let out a moan and saw her lips curve into a smirk.

She leaned down and began sucking on my neck.
Kill me please. I whined internally.

I let out another moan and felt her grin against my skin.

"Enjoying yourself?" She asked.

"Y-yes." Puke.

I felt her hand travel higher. Please no. Don't go any further! I internally screamed.


She paused her movements and looked up at me.

"I...I need to use the bathroom." I made an excuse for her to stop her action and possibly untie me.

"Fuck..." she whispered.


Ryujin POV

My eyes lit up when a notification appeared on my phone: a text message from Yeji.

I immediately opened the messaging app and read the text. My excitement quickly turned into confusion and anxiety.

"Let's break up."

W-what? Those three words were enough to make my heart stop.

This doesn't make sense. We were fine. Why would she send this?! I quickly texted her back.

"Babe, what are you talking about?? Where are you??"

Tears were already forming in my brown orbs. I impatiently waited for a response but didn't receive one. I called her number, but it went straight to voicemail. Fuck.

I threw my phone across my room and broke down under the sheets of my bed, rethinking where we went wrong. Why did she want to break up with me?! Was this why she was avoiding me?Was Lia's death the right timing she was looking for?? My mind was clouded by my emotions. It was all too overwhelming.

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