The Devil's Violinist

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Yeji POV
An awkward tension always seemed to linger on whenever Ryujin and Lia were with me. I didn't want to lose Lia as my friend. She'd been by my side since forever.

I could tell Lia was hiding her irritation every time she saw Ryujin and I showing affection to one another. I wanted the two I loved the most to get along, but it was most likely impossible. The best option was to keep things the way they were before Ryujin and I started dating. Lia and I continued to sit in our usual spot in the dining hall and in our classes while Ryujin sat with her own friends. I'd talk to Ryujin in between classes and after school. We often stayed at each other's places considering our mothers were out of the house most of the time. Good thing my dad was sentenced to a lifetime in prison and my mom divorced him. Haha.

It felt like my life was finally turning for the better. I had a girlfriend, my dad was no longer in my life, and my best friend is still my best friend. The end of the school year was approaching and my rank had gone back to the top, along with Ryujin. Soon enough, I'd be applying to music schools to major in music performance. I wanted to become a world class soloist like Sarah Chang. Imagine Ryujin and I growing famous together. She'd be the next Jacqueline du Pre and we'd be such a power couple. And Lia...maybe she could become the next Martha Argerich. I hope we could all become successful together.

The first step to achieving our dreams was through passing the prescreenings of the schools we were applying to.

"Hey babe, where are you planning to apply?" Ryujin asked me while we cuddled in her bed.

I had already known the schools I wanted to attend by the time I was fourteen years old. I'd always imagined myself going to the best ones in the world.

"Ahah, let's see. My top choice was Curtis, but I don't know anymore. Of course I'll still apply, but my chances of getting in are lower now. I'm obviously applying to Julliard and New England Conservatory. I'll consider Manhattan School of Music, Berklee College, Mannes School of Music, Jacobs School of Music, and Peabody Institute. For oversees schools, I'll probably apply to Conservatoire de Paris, Moscow Imperial Conservatory, University of Music and Performing Arts, and the Royal Academy of Music."

"Wow, that's a lot of schools you're applying to..."

"Yeah, where are you applying?"

"Hmm, the same schools you are!" She said enthusiastically.

I chuckled and kissed her on the cheek.

"I'd love that."

I saw as she blushed and flashed her whisker dimples. So cute.

"What are you planning on playing for your auditions?" I asked her.

"Of course my Dvorak! And maybe a Bach suite."

"Ahah, yeah. Always got to play Bach...even if his music is boring as fuck."

"Hehe...come on. Put some respect on Bach's name."

"Okay...I'm going to play his music anyway..."

"Really?!" She asked with a surprised expression.

"Only because it's required for most schools." I giggled.

"Aw, okay. What are you playing then, babe?"

I put a lot of thought into what I wanted to play. These would be the most important performances of my life. I needed to stand out.

"...I've thought about this for years, and I've finally decided that I want to play Bach's Chaconne, Sibelius Violin Concerto...and Paganini..."

"Paganini?! Woahhh. Are you sure about that, babe? I mean I have full confidence in you but... there's a reason why Paganini's called the devil's violinist."

"Ryujin, I'm sure." I smiled to her.

"Hehe, I know you've got this. Which Paganini piece are you playing?" She asked.

"Paganini Caprice No. 5."

" baby is so talented." She smiled with her whisker dimples while I lightly smacked her arm.

"Oh shut up." I smiled.

"Ahahah. Cute. Why'd you decide to play Paganini?" She asked.

"It's kind of stupid..."

"Aw. Don't say that! Tell me!!"


She turned her full attention to me. God why is she so amazing?!

"Okay know the rumor of Paganini selling his soul to the devil in exchange for preternatural abilities, for him to become the greatest virtuoso violinist of all time?
And you know how Paganini's compositions are some of the hardest pieces ever written to play?

She nodded her head in response.

"Well... of course being able to play Paganini's 5th caprice would wow any judge...but also...and here comes the stupid part..."

She giggled. "Continue, babe."

"I always saw my father as a devil...I felt like a puppet under him, always doing what he wants, trying to please him, being under his control. He put pressure on me to be the best violinist the devil who helped Paganini reach levels far beyond his peers. Some even thought Paganini was the devil himself...haha. But playing Paganini's music...being able to conquer his music, it feels like I'd be setting myself free from the devil. Free from my father... No longer a puppet."

My girlfriend looked back at me with her mouth slightly agape.

"What? It's stupid...I know."

"No! No. I love it! You really put a lot of thought into it. Oh my god, babe! I'm so excited to hear you play it!!!"

I blushed. "'re just saying that to make me feel less stupid."

"No I'm not! Yeji...I'd never lie to you."

I felt my heart melt. "Hehe...okay...I believe you." I smiled before giving her a kiss.

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