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Ryujin POV


"Uh...should we start practicing...?"


This was my second time practicing with Yeji. The session went by much smoother than the last. Something in her demeanor had changed, but I couldn't quite pinpoint it.

"Hey, your double stops were a little narrow."

"Oh, uh...thanks for letting me know."

She was much less bitchier than usual. But then again, I didn't know what the real Hwang Yeji was like. It was nice seeing a softer side of her. Maybe we could actually come to good terms with one another.

"Oh my god, I can't believe we managed to stay together," I jokingly said after we had played through the whole piece.

She chuckled.

Oh my god. A genuine laugh that wasn't condescending?!

"What's got you in a good mood?" I asked in a teasing tone.

She rolled her eyes at me, but a slight grin was evident on her face. "I'm going to a Sarah Chang concert later this month. Guess seeing a huge inspiration of mine in real life is one of the very few good things happening as of recently."

One of the very few good things? I do wonder what her life is like behind closed doors.

"Ooooh, Sarah Chang huh? Are you going by yourself?"

"No...I'm going with a guy from our music composition class."

What. A guy? As in a date?

"Uh...who is this guy...?" Damn it. Why should I care?

"Soobin. I couldn't reject the offer. I mean I don't really know him, but he seems tolerable with his handsome face. And THE Sarah Chang would be there."

Did she just call him handsome? I'm more handsome than him though.

" your concert then."


Woah. She just said thanks to me.

" you want to start practicing again?" She asked.

I didn't show any discomfort, but my fingers were  cramping painfully and both of my arms were sore.

" about we take a longer break. My hands are in a bit of pain."

"Oh, okay. You're sure playing quite stiff. It's not a surprise."

Damn. She was paying attention?

"Ah...yeah...I was scared of messing up, so my playing became tense."

"Really? The piece isn't even that difficult. What were you scared of?"


"I don't know, just worried about staying in tempo together I guess."

"I wouldn't be too concerned about that. Our chemistry today was pretty good. Let's hope it stays that way."

She wants us to stay this way? Was her attitude towards me finally shifting towards a positive direction?

She noticed the slight pause and broke the silence.

"I meant in our playing...of course."

"Right...of course."

I don't know why that made that made me slightly disappointed. I think she noticed my brows slightly furrowed.

" are you doing with your Dvorak concerto?"

"I feel like I sounded better during the concerto competition. My playing just doesn't have that same vibrance and power as before. What do you think?"

"Really? You always sound great during rehearsal though."

I raised a brow at her. Did she just compliment me? Progress.


"Do your hands feel better?"

"Wh- uh...sure. Let's just get practicing then.

"Are you sure? Over-practicing could definitely lead to a serious injury."

She's concerned for me?

"Ahah...I'm fine, really. Let's just make the most use of the time we have."

"If you say so."
Yeji POV
At least I wasn't the only one who was slightly tense. There was no reason to feel this way, but I could feel the tempo of my heart pick up to a marginal extent while we practiced the Passacaglia. Maybe it was due to the caffeine I consumed earlier, or maybe it was....never mind. Who knows.

After the rehearsal, I met up with Lia at our usual spot in the dining hall.

"Hey kitten, how was your practicing session with the street rodent?"

I furrowed my brows, forgetting that I would actually call her such mean insults.

"Let's not call her that anymore."

"Ooh, how about dumpster diver then? Or maybe cicada? Beggar? Pauper?"

"Lia, I meant...stop with the insults."

"Huh, what?? What's with the sudden change of attitude towards your filthy rival?"

She seems genuinely nice and isn't fake to me.

"Lia! I'm serious. Just cut it out."

She raised a brow at me.

"Don't tell'd actually consider being friends with her."

Would I?

"Wh- of course not! I- I just think the insults are petty."

"Hm. You sure?"

"Yes! Can we just eat our food already?"

"Okay, okay."

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