Sight Reading

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Ryujin POV
After Yeji walked away, I went back to my seat in the dining hall.

"What's wrong?? Why are your eyes red? Have you been crying?! What did she say to you?!!" Concern was written all over Chaeryeong's face.

I heaved a heavy sigh.

"Ryujin?" Yuna called my name.

I put the document on the table for the both of them to read.

I watched as their mouths went agape in shock.

"Oh my god. Ryujin. Did you just find out about this??" Chaeryeong asked.

I nodded in response, looking down at my hands.

"What happened between you and Yeji just now??" Yuna asked.

I explained to them the "conversation" that went down earlier.

"Oh my god, she's seriously trying to bribe you? Where did she even get this private information from??" Chaeryeong asked.

"I don't know." I could feel myself building tears again.

"Hey, hey! Don't listen to her."

"What am I supposed to do?! My mom has cancer and there's no way we can afford the treatment!"

"I have a plan."

Chaeryeong and I both turned our attention to Yuna.

"What?" Chaeryeong raised her brow at Yuna.

"Did you forget my mom is the director of Shin Medical Foundations?"

Chaeryeong's mouth formed an "o" shape and my hopes instantly rose.

"Transfer your mother to my hospital, we'll cover the costs."

"Oh my god. Yuna. Thank you so much!" I got up to give her a tight hug.

I was overwhelmed with gratitude that I began crying again.

"Hey! Stop crying already. Just make sure you beat Hwang Yeji and get that solo performance okay?"

I nodded my head vehemently.

"Yes, I promise! I love you Yuna!!" I gave her a peck on the cheek.

Her face visibly flushed.

"Ahem. Right in front of my salad?"

"Shut up!" Yuna sat back down.

I chuckled and wiped my tears.

"Hey sweetie, how was school?"

"It was okay, mom."

"That's good, did you learn anything new?"

"Yes, actually."

"Oh, what did you learn?" She flashed a smile at me.


I paused knowing my answer couldn't be taken back.


"You have pancreatic cancer."

She stopped whatever she was doing and stared straight back at me.

"H-how did you find out??"

"Why would you keep this away from me?!?! How long have you had cancer?! Are you getting treatment?? There's no way we can afford it!"

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