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Ryujin POV
Should I call the cops? What if Lia hears the sirens and runs away? What if they're not careful and Lia spots the cops out of her villa and flees?
What if the police accidentally shoot Yeji?!

I shook the thought away. Breathe, you can do this, I told myself.

I shuffled my feet to the front door with my back still pressed against the building. Fortunately, Lia was on the top floor of her three story high villa.

Being out of view, I placed my hand on the door handle and slowly turned, praying it was unlocked.

To my luck, the door easily opened. I slowly pushed the door, careful not to make a sound and gently shut it behind me.

I quietly crept around the villa, spotting the kitchen.


If hurting Lia meant protecting Yeji, so be it.

I pulled out a large, sharp kitchen knife and began making my way up the stairs, silently, of course.


Yeji POV

"W-what?" Lia asked with surprise and even nervousness in her voice.

I grabbed her wrist with my cuffed hands and dragged her into her bedroom, shutting the door.

"I said...I want to touch you," I seductively whispered in her ear before pushing her down onto her bed.

"W-wait," she stuttered.


"There's no way you can do anything with your hands cuffed."

"Then uncuff me, baby," I said in the most enticing manner.

She looked hesitant.

"We both want this, what's stopping you?" I questioned her.

She paused with her mouth slightly agape, most likely thinking of a response.

Suddenly, a small creaking sound came through, breaking the silence.

"What was that?" She flinched.

"Hmm, probably nothing...I'm getting impatient here."

She looked back at me as I licked my lips.


I saw her pull a key out of her pocket.

Finally! FINALLY!

She grabbed my cuffs and inserted the key inside the keyhole, twisting and unlocking the cuffs, freeing my hands.

"And the ankle bracelet?"

"...fine," she mumbled, removing the monitor on my ankle.

Just then, I heard another creaking sound, one right outside the door.


Lia snapped her head to the direction of the sound, panic evident over her face.

"T-there's someone there," she whispered to herself.

She went to reach for the hand cuffs again.

Shit, think fast. "LIA!" I yelled, causing her to flinch and look back at me.

The door swung open at my yell and I quickly grabbed the handcuffs, throwing them over the balcony and into the ocean below.

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