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Yeji POV
Ever since Soobin had invited me to the Sarah Chang concert, I felt his presence around more and more. He'd walk with me in the hallways, sit by me during lunch, talk to me while I was by my locker...Maybe he got wrong impression. This wasn't a date, and Lia doesn't even approve of him. But then again, maybe I wouldn't mind dating him. For some reason, all my past suitors would stop chasing me after a decent effort. Maybe it was time I finally gave dating a try. Soobin was attractive, nice, and rich. A major turn off though was his low class ranking. His primary instrument was piano. According to Lia, the boy had no talent in the instrument and had his parents donate an absurd amount of money for the school to accept him.

My mind raced as I stood taking sheet music out of my locker. The Sarah Chang concert would be in a week; the school concert would follow a few days later, and the festival would come right after. I felt quite stressed and worried about the upcoming performances. Luckily, my negative train of thought was interrupted when I felt his presence beside me.

"Hey, pretty."

"Hi, Soobin."

"I was thinking, maybe we could hang out. Get to know each other a bit more outside of school?"


Shit, where is Lia when I need her?!


"Great, are you free after school? I'll pick you up once classes finish."

"Okay, uhh...where are we going though?"

"There's a local dessert bar I've been meaning to try. It's new. That sound good to you?"

"Yeah, I'll see you after school then."

"Awesome. Later, gorgeous."

He kissed me on the cheek before walking away. He did have a nice charm that girls would gush over. But, there was something missing in him.

Time skip to after school
Soobin drove me to the local dessert shop. It had a modern and mellow design that brought out a cozy aesthetic.

We took the seats of a secluded area in the upper floor for more privacy.

"This place is so nice and the food looks delicious," I gleamed as we looked through the menu.

"Haha. Yup. I had a feeling you'd like it. Do you know what you want to order?"

"Ooh. Their crepe cake looks good. I'll order a cappuccino to go with it too."

"Okay, I'll order the soufflé pancakes and hot milk tea."

"Ahah, you drink milk tea hot?"

"Wah! Milk tea tastes just as good hot, and it warms my soul."

His behavior made me chuckle. It was cute.

We continued chatting as our food arrived.

I honestly enjoyed his company. He was easy going and nice to be around.

"How's your food, can I get a bite?"

"Ready for the festival? I'm excited to watch you perform."

"Oh my god, you actually understand what we're learning in music theory?!"

"I know right! He's such a pain in the ass, haha!"

"You look beautiful."

For the first time, I could feel myself blush at his compliment. Maybe it was time I opened my heart to someone.

After spending about two hours at the dessert spot, Soobin drove me home.

"Thank you for today, Soobin."

"No problem! I loved spending time with you."

"I'll see you at school then?"

"Of course!"

As I was about to walk into my house, he gently tugged on my shirt sleeve.

"Uh- ahem."

I turned around to face him again.

He stepped closer to me before planting a kiss on my lips.

"Sleep well, princess."

All I could do was blush, as he walked back to his car.

I went inside my house and saw him wave goodbye before driving off.

That was my first kiss.
As the pair spent more time with each other, a naive teenage girl would find herself irrationally going along with the boy. As they say, actions speak louder than words.

What started as a simple kiss blossomed into full on make out sessions, excessive physical touching; whether it be because the girl was genuinely interested or only trying to satisfy the boy was up for debate. But such senseless behavior eventually led to clothes on the ground with bodies sharing a bed.

Was Yeji giving herself up too easily to a boy she barely even knew? Well, the girl of such nobility lost her purity in the matter of seconds. Perhaps Yeji craved the boy's attention. Maybe his presence could potentially fill the void which her parents had created: a longing to be loved.

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