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(A/N:  Y'all's comments are so entertaining and keep me going 😊)

Ryujin POV
It sucks how I'm only able to interact with her when we're rehearsing alone together.

"Hey, does your arm still hurt?"

"It's better. I took a break from practicing to let it heal."

"Good, you can't go performing with an injury."

I felt happy seeing how she showed genuine concern. "I know..."

"Ready for the concert tonight?"

"I'm a bit nervous, but I think I've got this." I answered honestly.

"You do. Ahah. I hate to admit it, but the first time I heard your Dvorak, I was blown away." Her candor pleasantly surprised me.

"Really? Wow."

She chuckled.

"Hey, uh...were you the one who won the International Tchaikovsky Violin Competition two years ago?" I already knew the answer.

"Yeah, how did you know?"

"I was there, two years ago....I was mesmerized by your performance...everyone was. But what caught my attention the most were your eyes. That's how I knew it was you."

I saw her face tint pink.

"Oh...that's have good sight...ahah."



My curiosity got the better of me. I desperately wanted to know more about her relationship with the blue-haired boy. " was the Sarah Chang concert? Did you get to meet her?"

"Oh...this is kind of embarrassing, but I got flaked on. I missed the concert."

"W-what? and Soobin..."

"Ugh that asshole. I never want to see his stupid face in this school again."

Part of the cellist felt relieved that the two were no longer close. Another part of her was angry. Angry that her duet partner was wronged.

"That's messed up. What a jerk. He's doesn't deserve your company anyway."


"Let's wrap up this rehearsal, I need to practice for tonight's concert."


Times skip to the evening
"Welcome to Manhattan Arts' first concert of the year! Tonight, our orchestra will be accompanying soloist Shin Ryujin, followed by a performance of Mahler's 5th symphony. Before we begin, please silence all electronic devices and enjoy the concert!"

I could feel my heart pounding as we waited back stage. The orchestra would be stepping out in a few minutes, and I'd walk out once everyone was seated.

"Hey, you've got this! Don't worry! Once we're done performing, I'm going to give you a giant hug and let the whole school know I'm friends with the best player here!" Chaeryeong tried reassuring me.

Her antic helped to minimal extent.

"Thanks, Ryeongie. I'm glad I have you as a friend."

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