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Ryujin POV
I was instantly relieved when I felt her kiss back. Oh my god. I could feel butterflies erupting in my stomach.

What took me by surprise is when she grabbed my neck to deepen the kiss. My hormones were now going insane.

After a while, I pushed her off to catch my breath.

"Y-you like me back?" She asked me.

Mental facepalm.

"No, I kissed you just because I felt like it." I teased.

She lightly slapped me on the arm and I chuckled.

"Of course, dummy. Please, continue being my duet partner."

"Is this your way of asking me to stay alive or your way of asking me to be your girlfriend?"


She chuckled. "Okay...."

"Okay? That's a yes?!" I excitedly asked.


"Yay!" I yelled out while she smiled looking down at her fingers.

Suddenly, our attention shifted to her phone when we heard a *DING*

"What is that?"

"Lia's spamming me again."

Yeji POV
I read the messages on my phone.

"Dude, seriously. Answer! I'm worried sick!"

"You know your rank dropped to #57, one spot behind Ryujin? If you kept playing, your rank would have moved back to #1!"

"Oh my fucking god, I can't believe Choi Soobin ranked #10 in the whole school."

"By the way...I'm rank #1 now that you and Ryujin dropped...sorry."

"Dude, your parents called me asking me where you were. Seriously!! Pick up!"

"At least text me back one word to let me know you're alive!"

"You know I love you. Please don't ignore me."

"Ryujin...we dropped to rank #56 and 57..."

"Wh- damn..."

"I know right...Lia's rank #1 and get this...Soobin is rank #10."

I watched as Ryujin's eyes widened.

"WHAT?!?! HIM?!?! He was clearly one of the worst players in this school!!! Wh- how?!?!"

"I don't know...I'm guessing there was some shady business going on behind the scenes."

"It's okay. I'm sure the both of us will rank up in no time. Everyone knows we're the top players."

"Haha. I didn't take you to be the cocky type, Ryujin."

"I- I'm not cocky! I was just stating the obvious."

"Hm...sounds pretty arrogant to me." I teased.


"Haha. I'm just kidding babe."

Wow that came out so naturally.

"B- babe???"

"You don't like it?"

"No, no! I'm just surprised. That's all. Hehe." She giggled.

"Hey, I told Lia I would talk to her. I'll be back later, okay?"

"You're leaving?" Her expression saddened.

"I'll be back soon. I'm just going to pay Lia a quick visit. Bye, Ryujin."

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