Best Friend

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Yeji POV
It was 8:00 p.m. by the time the police had called me down to the station. Ryujin came with me. When we arrived, I spotted my mom sitting at a desk, being questioned by an officer.


"Yeji. Is it all true? What the police told me? The reason why your father is in a jail cell right now?"

I felt Ryujin squeeze my hand, trying to comfort me.


"Oh my poor baby." She got up to hug me. "Why did you never tell me?!" I could tell she was about to cry.

"You're never home...and dad...he'd hurt me more if I told you. Why...why did you marry him when we're already so well off?!"

"Honey...I didn't want you to grow up without a father."

"I never saw him as my own dad anyway!" I cried and felt Ryujin rub her hand on my back to comfort me.

"Yeji...who is this?" My mom asked.

"Ahem...uh...hi...I'm Ryujin."

"Mom...this is my girlfriend..."

"You have a girlfriend?!?!"


"Hwang Yeji, please follow me for your questioning." An officer interrupted.

"Bye, babe." I smiled to Ryujin.

"Babe?!?" My mom yelled.

I winked back to Ryujin as I followed the officer to the questioning room.

Ryujin POV
Oh crap. She's leaving me alone with her mom?!?!

"Well, Ryujin. Let's have a talk, shall we?"

I gulped. "O-okay."


After about an hour of waiting, Yeji came back.

"Hey babe, where did my mom go?"

"She left to go back to your house about 20 minutes ago. Don't worry, I told her you were staying with me...unless you want to go home?"

"Hehe...I'll go home when I feel like it. Come on."

She drove us back to my apartment. My mom was already asleep when we arrived.

We cuddled together under the sheets of my bed.

"Hmm...what happened between you and my mom while I was being questioned?"

"...uh...she kinda interrogated me...haha."


"It's okay. I don't think she dislikes me...which is a plus."

"Haha..." she chuckled but I saw her smile quickly die down.

"What's wrong?"

"I'm just...a bit sad. I don't know what I'm going to do with Lia hurts. She's been my best friend since forever. But, I don't feel comfortable around her anymore."

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