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Yeji POV
I knocked on the door of Lia's mansion and waited a minute before I heard the sound of a click.

The door unlocked to reveal Lia's mom. Her eyes were strikingly red and eye bags were visible beneath. My heart sunk...Lia...


"Hi, Mrs. Choi. I-

"I'm sure you saw the news already. My baby...s-she's gone." I watched as Lia's mother broke down in front me. My tears began falling at the best friend...she's really dead.

"T-this can't be. H-how??" I asked her mother through my trembling voice.

"My baby. S-she was headed for vacation by herself and took the private crashed in the ocean. Her body wasn't found...s-so must have sunk below the water." Her mother sobbed in between her explanation.

I embraced the poor woman into a hug. "I'm so sorry."

"I-it's okay, dear. I'm glad Lia was able to have such an amazing friend like you by her side. Thank you for being here for my baby."

"Of course, Lia was my best friend...I loved her."

"She loved you too, Yeji, more than you know. You're always welcome here."

"Thank you, Mrs. Choi."

"Anytime. Visit me soon dear."

"I will." I bid goodbye to Lia's mother before returning to my car.

I put on my seatbelt and placed my car key into the keyhole.

As I was about to turn on the engine, my neck was pulled back into a chokehold against my seat.

What the fuck.

S-someone's behind me.

I screamed and tried pulling the unknown arm away from my throat.

A second arm came into my peripheral view from the other side of the seat, placing a cloth over my mouth and muffling my screams.

The cloth had a strong scent that made me nauseous.

Wait. Is this chloroform?! Am I going to die?!

My vision became blurry after a few huffs of the toxin, and I slowly lost consciousness.

Ryujin POV
I biked over to Yeji's mansion and knocked on the door. After a minute of waiting, there was still no answer. I rang the doorbell and knocked again, yet still no answer. That's strange. Her car isn't even in her driveway. She's not home?

"YEJI!" I screamed hoping there'd be a response. "BABE, IT'S ME!" I screamed again.

No answer. Huh...where is she?

I pulled out my phone and called her. No answer.
I texted her again. No answer.

Is she avoiding me? What's going on??

I sent her another text.

Babe, please call me back or at least text me anything. I'm here for you. I'll be at my apartment waiting for you. :)

Maybe she just needed some space. I sighed and drove back to my place.


The violinist fluttered her eyes open to a dimly lit room of mere nothingness. Trapped inside a room which looked to mimic a metal box, the only things present inside were the hordes of dust drifting around and the brunette herself, tied to a metal chair. Wrists and ankles restrained, the young girl panicked, regaining her memory of the event which occurred before she was rendered unconscious. Shit, she mentally cursed. Where am I?! What happened?! Am I being used for ransom?! Sex trafficking?! Am I going to be killed?!?!

In the midst of her train of thought, a harsh clanking sound could be heard growing louder and louder, scaring the poor girl. The sound of footsteps echoed through the empty room until the shadow of a figure appeared from behind.

"P-please don't kill me!" The cat-eyed girl yelled.

She felt a cold hand placed on her shoulder, making her shudder.

She turned her head back to see the figure, eyes widening in shock.

"L-lia..." she whispered.

"Relax, baby."

"Y-you're alive?"

Yeji POV
What the fuck...

"Surprised? I thought you knew me better Yej."

"Wh- why did you tie me up? Where am I? Why am I here? How are you alive? Wh-

"One question at a time, baby."

I shivered at her endearment. She's gone completely nuts.

"Aw, don't be scared. We're best friends. You know I'd never hurt you, Yej. I'm doing what's best for us."

"W-what do you mean?"

"Stay with me, forever."

"Lia, are you out of your mind?! What are you doing?!"

She chuckled.

"Yeji, can you just let me explain? You're not really in the position to do anything, baby. Calm down. You're not going anywhere for...a long time."

Damn it. I took a deep breath in and out.

"Lia, explain. Please."

"Aw, that's a good girl."

"Dude. You're seriously freaking me out."

That was an understatement. I was panicking for dear life, trapped in a room with my psychotic best friend. It's best to keep my composure in her presence.

"There's no reason to be freaking out Yej, I've always been here for you. I'll always be here for you."

"C-can you just explain already?"

"Hahahaha. We're in no rush, dear. Are you hungry, thirsty? Do you want me to get you anything?"

"LIA! Just cut to the chase and explain!"

"Ahahah. Calm down. Where should I begin? Ah...okay. Try your best to get comfortable in that chair, Yej. We'll be here for a say the least."

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