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(A/N: Y'all's comments last chapter had me wheezing 😂. I'm so sorry. Here's a gift for my amazing audience. 🎁)

Yeji POV
The Sarah Chang concert would be tonight and I was overly ecstatic. I got changed into a refined yet fashionable dress before applying light makeup. Soobin would be picking me up soon. I past the time by watching old videos of myself performing.

Rewatching these videos motivated me to improve. I'd observe my past mistakes and issues with my technique to fix in the future. On the downside, these videos made me cringe in embarrassment at how much I sucked at the instrument back then, or the stupid errors I'd make on stage.

20 minutes had gone by and Soobin still hadn't arrived. The concert was supposed to be starting in 30 minutes, and he had the tickets.

I decided to text him.

Hey, when are you getting here? The concert is starting soon.

I waited 5 minutes for a response and still nothing. Maybe he was too busy driving to check his phone.

After another 10 minutes had past, I began to worry. I dialed his number and waited for him to pick up the call. It went straight to voicemail.

What the fuck.

The concert was starting in 15 minutes and he hadn't even picked me up yet!

5 minutes later, I saw that he left my message on read. What the actual-

I'm going to kill you, Choi Soobin.

By now, the concert had already started. I figured he flaked on me. What a piece of shit.

"You fucking scumbag!"

I hit his face with all the force I could exert, leaving a stinging red hand print over his cheek.

"Why didn't you respond to my text?! Why did you flake on me?!"

He scoffed.

Excuse me?!?!!

"Maybe you should ask your friend," he replied in a cold tone.

"My friend?! What the hell are you talking about?!"

He hesitated before answering.

"Look, Yeji. I went with someone else. I'm not interested in you anymore. Let's stop seeing each other."


"You piece of shit! You're the one who started this all! I never even knew you existed until a month ago! Who do you think you are, trying to play me?!"

He looked me dead in the eye and scoffed once more before walking away.

"You ASSHOLE!" I yelled as he walked away.
The violinist found herself crying in the arms of her best friend later that evening.

"Sweetie, stop crying over some stupid boyyy. Shhhh. It's okay." Lia tried consoling the taller girl.

"I- I can't believe I let such an asshole sleep with me."

"Yeah, me too."


"Hey! I told you he was no good for you."

"How could someone so nice turn into a cold blooded snake two seconds later!" The girl let more tears fall.

"Boys are just like that. They'll play with your heart then leave it shattered once they're bored."

"God! I want to ruin his life! Lia, do something. You're good at this kind of stuff."

"Wh- is that supposed to be a compliment?"

"Of course, pleaseeeee," I begged, showing her my sad, heartbroken expression.

"Agh, fine! Let me take care of this. Just stop crying and get over this idiot."

"Yay! I love you, Lia."

"Blah, blah, I love you too. Don't let someone play with your heart again, dummy."

"I won't."

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