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Yeji POV
"Alright class! Our first concert of the year will be held in 2 months. We will be performing Mahler Symphony No. 5 and a concerto! One soloist will be accompanied by the whole orchestra, playing their chosen concerto. Usually, we would hold a concerto competition to decide the soloist, but since you all just had one, we will be doing a sight reading audition instead. The top 5 ranked students at the moment will be competing for the spot. The audition will be held tomorrow! Be ready!" Mr. Cheon announced to the class.

Tsk. That means I'll be competing against Ryujin, Lia, and two others whose names I don't remember. I know Lia would give me the spot, and there's no way two irrelevant people would beat me, so all I needed to do was outplay Ryujin. I was always pretty bad at sight reading. People are either born good or bad at it. You can argue that the skill can be developed, but it's hard.


"What, Lia?"

We were sitting at our usual spot in the dining hall.

She dropped a Manila file folder on the table.

"All the info my secretary dug up on Shin Ryujin. AHAHAH. You won't believe what's in here."

I opened the file and scanned through the documents.

I let out a chuckle.

"Her parents are divorced, I see. A family that lacks class. No wonder she ended up the way she did. Her mother works multiple jobs? Wow. She makes only about 60 grand a year. How can anyone live off of that?!"

"PFFF. I know right?! How can she even afford to live in New York?!"

"Oooh, HAHAH. She lives in Downtown Bronx. No wonder. I knew she lived in the slums. Let's see, what else. Blood type B, born April 17, blah blah."

My eyes widened when I flipped through the next document.

"Lia, how much does cancer treatment cost?"

"I don't know, probably at least $40,000 a year, well that's what I'm guessing. Why?"

"Huh. Shin Ryujin's mother has pancreatic cancer."

"Hm. How the hell can she even afford treatment? She'll be dead in a few years. Why bother working multiple jobs?"

I smirked at the newfound information.

"Ahah. Thanks for the info, Lia."

"No problem."

I got up from my seat to approach Shin Ryujin.

Ryujin POV
I felt a light tap on my shoulder as I was eating my lunch and turned around to see none other than Hwang Yeji.

"What do you want?"

She had an annoying smug look over her face.

"Follow me, we need to talk."

"Why the hell would I want to talk to you??"

She leaned down to whisper in my ear.

Her face was uncomfortably close beside mine.

"How does your mother afford her cancer treatment?" She whispered with a grin evident in my peripheral view.

I shoved her away from me.

"What the fuck are you talking about?" I could feel my anger rising.

"You should watch your mouth, vile of you to talk that way to someone who's about to offer you more than you can bid."

I would be lying if I said my curiosity wasn't piqued.

"Make this quick."

I followed her out the dining hall to an empty room.

"What do you want?"

She waved a document in front of my face.

I snatched it away from her hand and scanned the printed words.

My eyes widened in shock.

"Where did you get this?!"

She chuckled.

What a wretched bitch.

"Let's make a deal."

"Fuck you, where did you get this?!!"

She walked closer to me and cupped my face. I could feel the beads of sweat forming over my skin.

"It must be hard...having a lowly mother with cancer as your only financial support."

I slapped her hand off of me.

"Shut up! My mother doesn't have cancer. Get the hell away from me."

Yeji POV
In denial? Does she really not know? I almost feel bad for her. Almost.

"Oh? Is that why you're still living in the slums? Your mother needs money, doesn't she?" I smirked.

I saw her hand raise to slap me but I grabbed her wrist before she could.

"Listen, Shin Ryujin. I'll give you the money for your mother's treatment as long as you mess up your sight reading audition."

"So you admit you're not the best player in the school? You disgust me."

I threw her wrist back and slapped her in the face.

"You should be begging on your knees, you proletarian animal. I offered you a deal you could never afford! Take it or watch your mother die!"

"Go fuck yourself!"

I raised my hand to slap her again but withdrew.

I could see visible tears forming in her eyes.

I scoffed.

"I'll give you until the audition to decide."

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