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Y'all that took way longer to complete this story than I originally anticipated. 😓

Anyway. Yes, I decided to go with an ambiguous, bittersweet ending. 🥲 Feel free to ask questions if you have any...There are some problems with the story because I had written some chapters for ideas that I ended up never following through with. 💀 Also the ending...I changed it from my original one because the damn comments got to my head. 😭

Besides that, thank you to everyone who read, commented, and voted for this story. I'm so happy many of you stuck around until the end. 😄

I will not be writing another story anytime soon, so don't mind me. I don't think I'll be using Wattpad as often anymore until school's out of the way. Will mostly be on to read updates from other stories and that's it. So, until then, take care and goodbye. 🙂

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