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Ryujin POV
"I'm really sorry."

What. Did I hear that right?

"Uh...what for?"

She took a deep inhale and exhale of breath.

"For being a jerk to you. For calling you all those nasty insults. For giving you a hard time. For slapping you...just everything. You didn't deserve any of it and, well, I guess I was jealous someone could be so talented given your circumstances."


"I-it's okay. I'm over it, really." I flashed my whisker-dimples.

She looked over to my direction.

"Does this mean...you forgive me?"

"Well, yeah." At those words, I saw her smile return.

We sat through the rest of the ride in silence. However, it wasn't the usual awkward silence we'd experience before, but rather a new, companionable silence.

We approached the street of my batîment complex. "Is this where you live?"

"...yeah." I couldn't help but feel embarrassed at the tiny, rundown apartment my mom and I shared.

"It's cute; it looks cozy and warm inside."

"Ahah...you don't have to-

"I mean it. I wish I could have my own little place to stay."

I'm guessing she lives in a mansion.

"Really? Why?"

"To get away from my family, I guess." I felt my heart slightly sink at her statement.

"You...don't have a good relationship with them?"

"...haha...that's one way to put it." She looked down.

"I'm sorry."

"Don't be. I mean...my parents give me everything. In return, I just need to uphold our reputation and succeed."

I think I was finally starting to get an idea of why Yeji acted the way she did.


I stared at her dejected expression, not knowing how to respond.

"It's late, I'll see you at school. Goodnight, Ryujin."

"O-okay. Thanks for the ride. Drive home safe, Yeji."

She smiled to me one last time before I exited her car. I waved goodbye to her, watching as she drove off.

My heart was...


Yeji POV
I couldn't help but feel repulsed every time I saw Soobin's face at school. This jerk wouldn't even bother sparing a glance towards me, as if I were a nobody. I'm Hwang fucking Yeji, the best violinist in this whole school. Who does he think he is?

I turned to Lia, who was standing beside me.

"What are you going to do about him?"

"Huh? Oh, right. Haha. Don't worry about it, Yej. I've got something in the back of my mind." A devilish grin was plastered over her face. "I'll make him...miserable."

Ah, this girl scares me sometimes.

"Oh? How are you going to do that?" I never doubted Lia's power and ability. Her mind thinks....differently.

"You'll see."
Ryujin POV
"Wow, I can't believe it's already our last rehearsal before the festival," Yeji spoke as she unpacked her violin.

Everything about this atmosphere felt dismal, knowing this may be the last time we really interact with each other. I'm grateful we were give this opportunity, and sad it's coming to an end.

"I know right. Ahah," I responded.

"Are you aiming for first prize? I'm sure we can do it. It's a free full ride to Manhattan School of Music." She looked over to me.

"Winning first prize would be nice, but my dream school is Julliard. I think someone who really wants to go to MSM deserves first prize, not me."

"Oh, that's thoughtful of you. I think you'll get get into Julliard. After all, you were already accepted into their precollege program as their best cellist."

"You think so? Ahah. What's your dream school, by the way?"

"Curtis Institute." She replied.

"Oh. A few of their admissions officers will be at the festival. Are you nervous?" I curiously asked.

"Nervous doesn't even begin to describe it..."

I could see her confidence dwindle.

"Nooo. Don't be nervous. We sound great. You sound great." I tried encouraging her.

At the little compliment, I saw a small smile form from her lips.

"Let's start rehearsing and make the most of this time. After all, it's our final practice session...together," she said in a soft tone.
By the end of the rehearsal, my hands were cramping. Damn it. I could feel the aching pain from before surging again. I could only hope this wouldn't impact my performance tonight.

"See you in a few hours. I'm going to grab dinner with Lia."

"Okay, see you later then." I smiled to her as she left the school.

It was still only 5:30 in the afternoon. The festival would be held at 7:00 and we'd be the last ones performing. Saving the best for last. 😉

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