Chapter 4

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Clary suggested that we stay the night, and that we should plan tomorrow. Alec showed us to our rooms, and before I new it, I began to drift off.

I was walking down a path made of Adamas, only lighting up the darkness surrounding me slightly. A hiss came from behind me. I spun, reaching for a seraph blade. "Come," spoke a voice in the shadows. I wanted to run, but my feet wouldn't respond. "Who are you?" I asked, my voice coming out muffled and croaky. "You know who I am, Emma Carstairs," it said. I recognised that voice, but I couldn't match it to a face.

I pulled myself out of my dream, breathing hard. My eyes adjusted to the room around me. Dressing table, four poster bed, armchair and cupboard. Simple, but, just the way i liked it. By the amount of light streaming in through the window I knew it must have been it must be late morning. I dragged myself out of bed and splashed some cold water on my face. Slowly, thinking about my dream, I got ready.

"Good morning, Emma", said somebody behind her. She turned seeing Jace behind her, pushing his golden blonde hair out of his face. He had walked up to her soundlessly. "Hey", I replied. I always felt nervous around Jace. He had always been my idol, as a shadowhunter. Somebody I wanted to be the same as and admired. I decided to ask him about weapons, seeing as he would obviously like to talk about that and so it wouldn't get akward. One thing I would never do, is have Jace Herondale hate me.

"So", I started "what's your weapon of choice?"

"Well, i'm sort of amazing at everything so I don't exactly have a favourite weapon, although I like swords, short swords, daggers, seraph blades, crossbows and longbows. Bows are Alec's speciality though", he replied

"Great, in simpler forms, you like everything", I laughed

"Pretty much", he said, a smile playing at his lips. He was stunningly good-looking with high, elegant cheekbones and his honey golden skin. He looked like an angel, except for his devilish mouth.

"Have you just woken up?", I asked

"No, I just came back from some seriously boring clave meeting though. I don't get the point of them, and they go on for forever"

"I am never going to be able to be a head of institute. Mine is the life of the unorganised"

He laughed. A pleasant, sweet noise. I had reached the dining room and smiled at Jace as I entered it. He didn't come in but walked straight on to the library. The dining room had a long oak table with low-hanging chandeliers and was empty except for Isabelle lounging on one of the chairs, nibbling a piece of toast

"Hi, Isabelle", I said sitting down

"Hey, and call me Izzy", she said a soft, gentle voice, with a tinge of humour.

"Alright then, Izzy. So, are you doing anything today?"

"Nah, I wanted to you know, go for a shopping spree, but Jace and Clary are in a really bad mood today. I guess they hate Sebastian even more than we do. Clary didn't tell us what happened in the house that day when Jace left her alone, with him. Apparently, they had a fight"

"Jace looked fine this morning", I said

Izzy smiled "You don't really know Jace, but he is a master actor and great at hiding his emotions"

I took a big gulp of milk and nearly choked when I heard Jace speak from behind me. "Yup, master actor with a gorgeous face. What more could you ask for?", he said.

"You keep coming up behind me and freaking me out", I coughed

"Yeah, I have a tendency to do that", he grinned "let's go".

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