Chapter 1

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6 Months Later

"Emma! Emma, wake up!" Jules' urgent voice wakes me from my sleep.
"What is it?" I ask, still a little hazy.
"You'll see. We're needed in the Library. My uncle has news, and there is someone here to see you," he replies.
I slip on my dressing gown and some slippers, and allow myself to be rushed out of my room. It took some adjusting for all of us once Jules' uncle, Arthur Blackthorn, took over the Los Angeles Institute. He cares for us, but he seems constantly detached and unfocused, never wanting to make decisions and risks. Barely any shadowhunters come to stay anymore, and we are overlooked by the Clave.

In the library stand two figures murmuring to each other. One is clearly Arthur, in his tartan pyjamas, and the other is unidentifiable. As I walk closer, I experience a flash of recognition. It's Brother Zachariah.
"Ah, so here is Emma, Mr Carstairs," Arthur says to Brother Zachariah. Mr Carstairs?
"This will be a shock to you Emma, but you do have some family left," says Brother Zachariah, "I'm your great grandfather."
I exchange a look with Julian, who look taken aback. This is a lie. This stranger is not a Carstairs.
"That's not possible," I say calmly.
"But it is," he says, "I will tell you how when the time comes, but there are more pressing issues that we must discuss." I open my mouth to argue back, but he raises a hand, silencing me. I shoot an angry look at him.
"A few years ago, your parents were found dead on the beach near here, in an unusual state," Arthur says. I swallow. My parents deaths are still raw in my mind.
"Over the course of this week, three of the fay have been found dead in a similar state. Your parent's killer is at large." Arthur's eyes look sympathetic, but his blunt tone hurts. Memories flash before my eyes. My mother and father, lying dead on the beach, blackened and limp. Sebastian's attack. My dagger hitting his heart. And now this. My parent's killer is at large, killing faeries in the same mysterious way. Whoever is doing this has to be extremely powerful to be able to murder the fay in this way. But why? It could be to gain power, an old grudge or to get something that it needs, like Valentine needing the blood of Downworlder children to turn the Mortal Sword demonic. I don't know. But what I do know is that this killer has to be stopped, and I'm going stop him.

Every time I read the bit where Jem tells Emma that he is her great grandfather I keep thinking of Star Wars😂. Thanks again so much for reading this chapter! Do you think it's should be longer? Is there anything you want me to change or things that you would prefer in the next chapter? Comment if so! Remember to vote and follow and do all that sort of stuff:)... I will be posting a lot since I want to finish this before Lady Midnight comes out. If you liked this then recommend me! Thanks again!😝😊😊😝
- C

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