Chapter 7

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Clary had sat throughout the whole clave meeting, looking pale and staring at her hands, wrung tightly together. I don't know what it must be like to be her right now. Knowing her psycho brother was going to come after her, and destroy everything in his path to get there. Then she did something surprising. She whipped a dagger from her belt and threw it at the podium, where it stuck, directly in the middle, with a scream. "I'M FED UP!", she yelled, "FED UP OF ALWAYS BEING SCARED! HAVING TO HIDE MY WHOLE LIFE", she looked down, realizing what she had just done and spoke again,"we're shadowhunters, the best of this world. We can fight and our mandate is to destroy demons, not surrender to them. We can show my br-b-brother what we can do and we WON'T go down without a fight". She stopped and sat down quietly, ashamed of her little outburst. Jace ws staring at her with a mixture of amazement and amusement. Typical.


The Clave meeting had ended quickly, and our small group stayed behind. "Whoa, Clarissa Herondale! I did not know you were capable of doing that", said Simon grinning.

"I shouldn't have done that. It was wrong and stupid. I could have been a bit more civilised", she said quietly. Jace squeezed her arm and she smiled sadly at him. "What I don't get is that Sebastian died good, as in had all the evil taken out of him. So why has he now gone back to his pyschotic self?", she asked.

"Well, it depends on who resseructed him. Somebody must have resseructed him, right? If that person is bad, then Sebastian would be too. If it was somebody good, then he would be good", said Jace. We left silently, reflecting on all that had happened.



I sat down on the bed. Everything had changed from perfect to horrible in a matter of days. I was so scared. Scared of tomorrow. Scared of what would happen. Jace opened the door and came in. I looked up. "Hey", I said weakly.

"Hey?", he said, "is that all you're gonna say to your gorgeous husband who has spent an exhausting day demon hunting?", he asked sarcastically. I laughed. It was hard not to.

"You know", I said, "I can't believe this actually happening. Who would want to bring him back to life?"

"Lilith, maybe", Jace suggested

"Nah", I said, "Lilith's powers lay with destruction and catastrophe, remember. Only a greater demon with the abilities that lay with the dead, could do this. We should do a bit of research"

"I guess", he said. He came and sat next to me.

"He's going to come and get me", I carried on without letting him interrupt, "don't say he won't, because he will. And when he does, remember I love you all, and always will.
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