Chapter 10

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Jace's pov - R

I reached up to my forehead, feeling the bloody welt which was gushing fresh blood. I had just woken up when I heard Clary shout and saw a club whistling down toward me, I barely had time to open my eyes. The last thing I saw was Clary being dragged out of the bed by robed arms, a terrified look on her face. I slipped into unconsciousness hearing Clary scream for me.

My eyes fluttered open, a pounding pain in my head. Clary. Clary was gone. My breathing quickened. Izzy stroked my hair, and Alec muttered reassurances. I think that Emma and Jules had gone to report to the Clave. We have to start searching for her! I try and get up, but nausea overwhelms me.
"We can't go now," Alec says, "we'll start tomorrow, when the Clave know. I'll call Magnus, and see if he can find any connection to her mind. He might be able to find out whew she is."
Yes, that will work I think, trying to think positively. But I can't. Clary is gone, and she could be dead. Sebastian has her - and who knows what he's planning? My world came crashing down on me.
Hi!!! Here is a dramatic piece of writing for you guys😄! This is a short chapter but others will be longer:). If there's any character that you'll want us to include just comment, and remember to mention things that we could improve on! Remember to vote, comment and recommend!
- C

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