Chapter 16

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Clary's POv

I prepared myelf for the inevitable fight between Sebastian and I. As soon as I glimpsed my room, my hand cracked angainst his cheek and my legs swiped across his, making him fall to the ground. I stomped down hard on his ribs, satisfied when he groaned in pain. I looked around for anything that I could substitute for a weapon, but there was nothing. I guess Sebastian made sure of that. It would have to be hand to hand combat. I pressed my foot into his throat, and he choked.

"Give me your stele now!" I yelled.

He motioned to his pocket area. I bent down to grab his stele, but he grabbed a bunch of my hair and twisted my arm into a painful lock. I whimpered against my will. Too fast,  he got to his feet and pinned me down so I was flattened against the cold stone floor. I kicked out and hit his side, but I could tell without success. He laughed.

"Did you really think you could beat me?"

Red tinged the corners of my eye sight. I twisted my body into a postion where I was facing him, felt energy building up in my legs and kicked him square in the jaw. He stumbled back caught by surprise, convinced that he had me trapped. I elbowed him in the nose, shoving him against the wall. I pressed my fist into his neck and pushed hard. Sebastian was too good to get away from, but I had enough anger to try. I grabbed a seraph blade from his pocket.

"Ithuriel!" I named it, saying the first name that came into my mind.

I kicked off the wall and landed at the opposite side of the room. Recovering quickly, Sebastian named his own seraph blade and charged at me. I knew that he wouldn't go for any fatal areas, probably more like my legs and arms. Sure enough, he went for my forearm. Deflecting it easily, I went in for my own stab, aiming for the heart. He dodged, but I managed to peirce a shallow cut in his shoulder. Blood dribbled down his arm. With renewed anger, he lunged for me. Taken by surprise, I was knocked down to the floor, my head cracking against the stone. I tried to get up, but I was too light headed and I felt as if I was going to pass out any second. Why does it always have to be my head? I asked myself dizzily. Sebastian slammed down against me, cutting the air out of my chest. I coughed. He closed a hand around my throat, squeezing. I clawed feebly at his arm. He was out of breath, I realised, but he seemed amused, as if this was all fun.

"Giving up yet?" he asked, "You know you can never beat me," he smiled.

"Never" I replied, my voice hoarse and dry.

"Servants!" he called out, "have it your way" he added to me.

I tried to get up, get his crushing weight off me, but black flashed in my eyes. I couldn't go any further. I was vaguely aware of the freezing, skeletal hands closing around me and lifting me up. 

"Take her to room 152. You know what to do." He told them.

Room 152? It couldn't be anything good, but there was no point putting up a fight. We glided past hallways, each similar to the last. Finally, we entered a room, with nothing obvoiusly harmful in it. Sebastian's creatures put me down on the floor, and I had almost no chance to react when one of their hands closed my eyes, and immediately darkness enveloped me.

As I opened my eyes, I was aware of a searing pain in my head. There was dried blood in my hair, I could feel it crusted and powdered. It hurt more than anything. I gasped and clutched my hair, as I looked around. I couldn't see anything. Not even my hand waving infront of my face. It was pitch-black. I slid along the floor and crashed straight into a cold, concrete wall. I fell back groaning. My hand trailed the walls and it seemed I was in a box with no doors or windows. That was impossible. How could I have come in here then?

My stomach churned suddenly with hunger and I couldn't remember the last time I ate something. I pushed the thought to the back of my mind as I replayed what Sebastian had said before I passed out. Take her to room 152. You know what to do. What did he mean, you know what to do? I remembered the telepathy rune on my arm. Would it be possible to contact somebody else who didn't have the matching rune? Jace, I thought. Are you there? I could feel a strange presence when I thought of him but he didn't reply. Izzy. Izzy. Please answer. Still, I could feel another strange presence, but no reply. What about Alec? I was sure this would work. Hey, Alec. It's Clary. Can you hear me? Still no reply. I was beginning to become desperate. What about Emma? Emma, Emma. It's me, Clary. I heard a gasp in my head.

Are you talking in my head?, it was indescribably Emma's voice. A note of dibelief in it.

Yes, listen. I created a telepathy rune and so far you're the only person who's answered.

Ok, i'm not gonna lie but this is sort of creepy, she replied.

I know, I know. I need you to find Jace and tell him to listen to me when I talk in his head. Sebastian has me again and locked me up in a pitch-black room with no food. I think he's starving me until I agree to do what he wants me to do. 

This is a lot to take in but OK. I'm waking up Jules and we'll contact the New York institute straight away. Do you have any idea where you are?

No, I replied. This telepathy thing could be handy though, if ever I do find out. Tell Jace he will hear my voice in his head, like you know..erm..the silent brothers, right?

Yes, alright. I'm going to go now and call Jace. Good luck Clary, she said, and her presence slipped from my mind. My stomach suddenly flipped over and I clutched it gasping. I was starving. Sebastian was starving me.

And it wasn't long before I gave in.


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