Chapter 8

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Emma's PoV:)
It was too late to go back to Los Angeles, so Jules and I decided to stay in Brooklyn. After the day's events, we were all exhausted. I tucked myself in, and drifted off into an uneasy sleep.

I was on the Adamas path again, but this time with somebody standing next to me. He had very pale blonde hair - almost white - and black eyes. He turned to face me. He triumphantly smirked and said I have come.

Aloud crash sounded upstairs, a scream following it, then silence. I jolted upright, my eyes adjusting to the darkness. I jumped out of my bed and grabbed my dressing gown. Hurried footsteps sounded from outside. I burst through the door, almost knocking over Izzy.
"What was that?!" I asked.
"Dunno. I think it came from upstairs!" She replied.
We sprinted up the stairs, listening for any other sounds. It was eerily silent. Izzy's face paled as she reached an understanding.
"It was Clary and Jace's room," she murmured.
Panic seized us as we ran. Izzy tried to open the door, but it was barricaded. After two more kicks, it swung open, its hinges creaking. I gasped.
Sprawled on the bed was Jace, a big bloody welt on his forehead. Clary was gone.
"What happened?! We heard a crash!" Alec and Jules sprinted to us, but fell silent as they took in the scene. Izzy rushed up to Jace and inspected the wound for any serious damage. He stirred.
"W-what happened?" he asked in a shaky voice. Slowly, realisation dawned on him. He paled and clutched his stomach.
"Clary," was all he said, in a voice that was barely a whisper.
I blinked back tears. I had always admired Clary, and now she was gone - probably dead. Jules put an arm around me. Izzy told Jules and I to leave the room and alert the Clave. I nodded my head. We closed the door, hearing Jace's whisper Clary's name over and over.
Uh oh!!! Poor Jace😨 Thanks so much for reading and remember to vote, comment and recommend! - C

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