Chapter 13

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Clary's poV -R xx

I lay there completely and utterly bored on a bed with white sheets. I tried to move my head, but a searing pain cut through my head. I took a deep breath and tried to remember what had happened. Sebastian and I had a fight and it ended with me being punched- very hard- in the jaw. I closed my eyes as the sight of his empty, hollow eyes flashed into my memory. I wasn't chained up and the pain seemed to have faded, so I kicked off the thin sheet and stepped out of the bed. My bare feet hit cold floor and I was wearing the typical shadowhunter gear- although I didn't remember going to sleep in it.

I reached for the door knob and opened the door slowly. I ducked back as I saw a group of shadowhunter dead walk past. I tiptoed forward and peered into another room. It was the same as mine, but had somebody in it. Wait- in it? I ran forward and pulled the cover back.

It was Jace.

I shook his shoulder vigorously. "Jace", I whispered, my voice hoarse. "Jace, wake up, wake up", I spoke into hiis ear. I heard the door open behind me and I turned instantly, shielding his limp body. I put myself into a fighting stance, seeing three of the shadowhunter dead, walking towards me. 

I put myself into a fighting stance and kicked out viciously at the nearest of them. It stumbled and regained its balance as I aimed three swift punches, hitting its mark in quick succession. It collapsed on the floor as I swiped the second ones feet from under it and stomped on its throat furiously. The last shadowhunter dead had made its way to Jace and was reaching down. I screamed and launched myself on its back, grabbing its head and snapping it back. It buckled and I flipped off its back. I moved over to Jace, breathing hard. 

He had vanished.

Sebastian stood at the door, nodding approvingly. "Very impressive, little sis. I never knew you'd be a real fighter", he smiled.

"Where's Jace?", I whispered dangerously.

"Safe and sound", he sounded amused by this.

"Nobody's safe with you", I hissed.

"Come with me", he said and turned without checking to see if I was following. I sccurried after him and stepped into a surprisingly comfortable looking sitting room. Sebastian had thrown himself into an armchair and gestured for me to sit down. I dropped, exhausted onto a soft sofa. "Jace wasn't real, Clarissa" he said calmly.

"He was, he was lying in that bed, breathing. Are you telling me-", I babbled, talking to fast.

"It was a hallucination. We injected a serum into you that made you see him. I wanted to see your strengths, weaknesses and of course, how well you reacted", he narrowed his eyes at me "I was impressed".

"I don't care whether I impressed you", I suddenly closed my eyes and took a few deep breaths.

"You should eat something", he sounded slightly concerned "you must be exhausted, although you just woke up". I let myself be led out. I knew one thing.

Sebastian had complete control in this situation. He was working me like a puppet. And there was nothing I could do about it.

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