Chapter 18

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Clary's PoV

I groaned clutching my stomach and doubling over in pain. It felt like my insides were trying to digest itself. I had just cut my connection to Jace. It had felt amazing, being able to talk to him and he had made me laugh. Laugh. My Jace. I felt a longing for him so great I doubled over in pain again. He had said to give in. But Sebastian would use me to hurt everybody I loved. They would know I was forced and would never harm them though

I closed my eyes and took a deep breath. Jace didn't want me hurt. I had to do this. Dragging myself to the wall, I turned and threw my arms against it making hardly any noise. "Sebastian", I cried, my voice hoarse. "Please. Please. Sebastian. Take me out of here. Please, I give up", I sagged against the wall when I heard rock grinding against rock and a square of light appear in the wall. I stumbled over, glimpsing a silhouette in the blinding brightness.

Not caring who it was, I collapsed onto it. The figure stumbled slightly with my sudden weight. "Please, don't leave me in there. Sebastian, please". I looked up seeing Sebastian's black eyes narrow at me. He heaved me up into his arms, his hands under my thighs and soft on my back, and walked down the hallway. I closed my eyes. I'd rather not be held by Sebastian, but right now I was too exhausted to care and my head fell back against his tensed muscles. He gasped in surprise. We had arrived in a room with a roaring fire and sofas amd armchairs. One thing caught my eye. The plate of sandwiches and drinks on the coffee table. Sebastian kicked the door closed behind us and laid me on the sofa.

I sighed in pleasure at how soft it was compared to the rock in room 152. Sebastian handed me a cup of water and I sipped it closing my eyes. It stopped the burning in my throat and some of the churning in my stomach. Sebastian had sat himself in an armchair and was looking at me. "Have a good time?", he asked. I didn't reply. "Sorry about that you know. I was angry, although you deserved it for what you did".

"What did I do?", I asked. He moved so quickly it was a blur. His hands gripped my wrists so tightly I gasped with pain. "What did you do? What did you do? You ruined my plan. You told Jace you loved him and for that you will pay in blood", he was seething. I understood what he meant. I wouldn't pay in my own blood. He meant Simon's, my mum's, Alec's, Isabelle's.

And Jace's.

I looked up into his eyes, and for the first time, I didn't want to fight. I wanted to give in, for the sake of my loved ones. "But, you made me suffer enough". He stared at me and let the news sink in.

"Please, Sebastian, please. I ask of you one thing", I couldn't believe I was saying this.

"And what's that?", he asked coldly.

"Mercy", I whispered. He narrowed his eyes at me.

"You've had too many chances Clarissa. It's time you learned a lesson". He let go of my arms, turned his head away, then turned it back again.

"No", he said, "I will not give you mercy".

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